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Suspect admits delivering fatal blow

Dennis Andrew Rosenberger
He pleads guilty in Donegal Twp. man's death

KITTANNING — A Ford City man last week admitted he delivered the punch that prosecutors believe killed a Butler County man last year during a melee outside a bar.

Dennis Andrew Rosenberger, 28, on Thursday pleaded guilty in Armstrong County court to charges of aggravated assault and involuntary manslaughter in the death of James Sullivan.

Rosenberger was one of four men who state police arrested following the fatal beating and stomping of Sullivan, a 39-year-old military veteran from Donegal Township, outside a Kittanning bar on St. Patrick's Day 2013.

In exchange for his plea, prosecutors agreed to withdraw the most serious count of homicide and lesser charges against Rosenberger.

Under state law, the maximum penalties for aggravated assault, a felony, and involuntary manslaughter, a misdemeanor, is 20 years and 5 years, respectively.

But Armstrong County President Judge Kenneth Valasek could impose a sentence at the lower end of the standard range of the state guidelines — three years.

The plea deal included no sentencing recommendation by the Armstrong County District Attorney.

“It's an open plea and the judge will decide the sentence,” Armstrong County Assistant District Attorney Chase McClister said this morning.

Three other men — Anthony Michael Bove, 20, and Keith Allen Brison, 34, both of Kittanning, and Otilio Cosme, 44, of Ford City — are awaiting trial on homicide and other charges in connection with the attack outside the Wick City Saloon.

The deadly confrontation on the St. Patrick's Day weekend followed a night of reveling at the bar.

Shortly before closing time, police said, several fights broke out as patrons spilled out into the street.

Investigators allege that Rosenberger sucker-punched Sullivan on Montieth Street about 1:35 a.m. March 17, 2013.

“He ran up to Mr. Sullivan from the blind side and punched him right in the mouth,” McClister said. “It knocked the victim backward. His head hit the pavement and fractured his skull.”

After Sullivan was knocked out, Rosenberger celebrated.

“He ran off cheering himself for throwing such a great punch,” McClister said. “That punch set the stage for what followed.”

Moments later, police said, while Sullivan lay unconscious, the other three defendants jumped on and kicked his motionless body.

The victim was pronounced dead less than 90 minutes later at ACMH Hospital in East Franklin Township.

An autopsy determined Sullivan suffered two potentially fatal injuries — blunt force trauma to his skull and a severed vein in his stomach, which caused massive internal bleeding, McClister said.

The skull injury was caused by Rosenberger's punch and the other injury was from the pummelling and kicking delivered by the other defendants.

Both injuries contributed to the victim's death.

Valasek is to sentence Sept. 23. Rosenberger remains free on $25,000 unsecured bail.

Attorney Gregory Swank, who represents Rosenberger, did not return a telephone call this morning.

Like Rosenberger, the other defendants face charges of homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault and reckless endangerment.

Bove and Brison are scheduled to stand trial in September. No trial date has been scheduled for Cosme. All three are to be tried separately.

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