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Credit who?

The letter by Georgiann Kerr, chairman of the Butler County Democratic Committee (“Credit Democrats”, Oct. 15), contained highly questionable assertions.

The writer notes a lack of accomplishment of the Republican Congress, an erroneous and misleading statement since the Congress is not Republican; the House is, but the Senate is Democratic. The fact is that the House has passed numerous bills that were sent to the Senate, where Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to put them to a vote.

The writer adds that the Republicans orchestrated witch hunts. Calling for investigation of the possible mishandling and lies involved in the Benghazi affair resulting in the deaths of our ambassador and others who tried to save him, mysterious disappearance of likely incriminating emails sent by Lois Lerner, conceivably unconstitutional actions by the IRS, and the ill advised Fast and Furious program which provided the gun that killed a U.S. Border Patrol officer, cannot be called witch hunts. These investigations are justified to expose government agencies that could be running roughshod over the Constitution and the rights of the American people. They are an example of the checks and balance the founding fathers wisely included in our governmental structure.

Citing positive accomplishments of Washington leadership, she states unemployment has fallen below 6 percent. That figure does not take into account the many thousands who have given up looking for work. Analysts who have factored them in say the unemployment rate is significantly higher.

She notes the reduction in the federal deficit; true, but this is due to revenue collected as a result of increases in taxes. The corporate tax rate is the highest in the world, which is why U.S. companies are fleeing elsewhere.

The writer mentions that thanks to the economic policies of this administration the stock market has soared. If she is right, then the Obama administration had better get cracking because the market surely has tanked in the past two weeks.

She refers to the economy as robust. Retail sales are down. Various companies such as Radio Shack are in, or on the verge of, bankruptcy. Others such as J.C. Penney are struggling to survive. Locally, the Bon Ton has closed due to lack of customers. Most economists agree there is a slight improvement, but the economy cannot be characterized as robust.

Meanwhile, Americans are being beheaded, moderate Muslims are being slaughtered by the thousands, the ISIS troops who are well on their way to establishing an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East vow they will raise their flag over the White House, and now there is a reasonable fear of an Ebola epidemic in this country. Yet just a few weeks ago, an Obama administration official said the greatest threat to America is global warming. There is no consensus on global warming. Be that as it may, most of us would rather be warm than dead.

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