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Kane struggling to steer away from court orders

For Attorney General Kathleen Kane, the tumultuous times just don’t seem to let up.

Kane, still recovering from a concussion she sustained in a car accident, began the week by delivering an impassioned, almost defiant defense of truth and justice. Then she sat down for two and a half hours of questioning by a secret grand jury about information her office leaked in a previous grand jury investigation.

In that case, Kane set out to fulfill a campaign pledge to review to prosecution of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, a convicted child molestor. Kane, the first woman and the first Democrat to become Pennsylvania’s attorney general, alleged her predecessor, Gov. Tom Corbett, may have committed tactical delays and other possible misconduct in the Sandusky investigation.

While she found no evidence of wrongdoing by Corbett, her investigation did discover numerous pornographic emails being circulated by Office of Attorney General staff members and other ranking state officials. The emails were released to the president judge of the state Supreme Court and to several news sources. The release occurred a few weeks before Corbett’s failed bid for re-election.

Kane explained her latest complication Monday in her prepared statement:

“Today I am due to testify before a Pennsylvania Grand Jury, as has been publicly reported. However, due to continuous, even overlapping court orders since last March, I am not allowed to explain why I am testifying or what my testimony has to do with the release of the pornographic emails under the Right to Know Law. These court orders also expose me to legal risk if I do my job as Attorney General that I was elected and trusted by the people of Pennsylvania to do. I am not allowed at this time to explain why.”

Kane went on to renew her campaign pledge to demand transparency in government and to expose corruption and abuse of the legal system.

“The winds of change can only blow through open windows,” she said.“My administration is being prevented from prying open the windows that corruption has nailed shut. But that change is coming. ... I am fighting for the right of the Attorney General to do my job without interference.”

Is Kane the victim of outside forces, as she implies? It hardly seems so. She seems adept at releasing — some say leaking — information that’s damaging to political rivals and explaining away the reasons later. At other times she ignores evidence, as in the case of four Philadelphia state legislators, all black Democrats, accepting cash or gifts from an undercover informant without reporting them.

Now Kane claims she’s bound, and gagged, by the legalities she was elected to navigate, and spending considerable time defending her own interests instead of the interests of Pennsylvania and its residents.

And most of the turbulence seems to be of her own making.

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