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On the wrong path

I believe Gov.-elect Tom Wolf will show himself to be a tax and spend liberal who will raise the cost of living, increase taxes and diminish job growth by driving small businesses under with taxation and burdensome regulations. Time will tell.

Overall the election’s theme was not so much pro-Republican as it was anti-Obama. Most people have awakened to see that the Obama administration and its minions in the Congress and Senate have taken America down a dark and wrong road as to domestic and foreign policy.

We have reached a point where almost as many citizens are living off of the system as there are paying into it. If the scales tip in the free-loaders side, America as a prosperous and free nation will not remain sustainable. These people will be able to control all future elections to keep the gravy train running in their favor. This is not only unfair but will bring about the extinction of the productive working middle class whose taxes fill the coffers upon which the unproductive rely.

A possible solution for this pending disaster may be as follows.

Every legal citizen gets a vote in the elections. Every income tax or property tax payer gets 1 1/2 votes. This way, everyone who is a legal citizen has a vote and the welfare crowd can’t override the system. I know that the liberals will cry that such an idea makes some people more equal than others. Perhaps it does; but is it fair to have our elections controlled by those who benefit the most from the work done by others? We see the results of our current system when a couple of cities control the vote for the rest of the state.

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