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Keep junior high open

Keeping the junior high school open for business in a consolidated Butler Area School District is an excellent example of long term thinking.

The school is not only equipped to provide for the crucial educational imperatives of the elementary stage student, but in giving greater efficiency to district operations, it helps the property tax payer year after year.

Though ignored by the critics of consolidation who want the venerable school closed, some years ago a board of school directors recognized the long term value of keeping the junior high as an anchor school.

With its central location, ample classroom space, broad stairways and hallways and high cielings, those directors saw an educational plant that is the antithesis of planned obsolesence. Red brick for red brick, it is the best built school in the district — built to last for the taxpayer.

With that assessment, architects and engineers were engaged to study the school. With an investment of several million dollars, an improved, more modern facility resulted.

Indeed, the recent professional study on consolidation recommended the building be used to meet the challenge of elementary grade education.

Those parents who insist the junior high is not a modern, contemporary school, not suitable for their child, simply have not done their homework.

Maybe the acute feelings of angst about the future of their progeny skews their judgment. They want what they want for their kid, beyond reason or the taxpayer. To my mind, no mythical welfare queen ever had a greater sense of entitlement; therefore, the amateur study justifying the closing of the junior high lacks credibility.

Let’s expect the current board of school directors, like its recent ancestor, takes a broader view of the horizon and keep the Butler Junior High School open.

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