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Trucker must pay

Regarding “Trucker tries unsuccessfully for early release” (Feb. 22, Page A2).

It’s unfair that Ejub Grcic received only three years in prison for killing a family of five.

Grcic’s lack of understanding of the seriousness of his crime is evident in his desire to shorten his probation so he can move back to Utah and “move on with his life.”

Grcic knew his tractor trailer was overweight — or should have known — and he ignored a stop sign, killing the five members of the Kerr family in a horrific way when their car burst into flames.

Why he would continue to mention his 30 years as a truck driver in Bosnia is beyond me. Clearly, the laws of that country are different from ours. Again, it shows his lack of understanding.

Why hasn’t Grcic been deported?

I believe he should have received a stiffer sentence. Too often, when people are killed or injured by those who ignore traffic laws, they receive only a slap on the wrist.

In my family, an elderly pedestrian struck by a car full of speeding 20-somethings still suffers from dizzy spells today. The driver wasn’t even ticketed, nor did police think the accident was serious enough to investigate.

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