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Union claims some hospital workers are being locked out

ACMH nurses end 1-day strike

EAST FRANKLIN TWP, Armstrong County — The union representing licensed practical nurses and medical technicians at ACMH Hospital ended its one-day strike this morning, but many of the members are not returning to work today.

Curtis Dahn, staff representative for the PASNAP union, claimed the hospital has locked out the majority of the union workers until Friday.

“They are continuing to illegally lock out some of our members,” Dahn said. “They still have replacement workers in the hospital.”

However, the hospital in a statement released today said it is not a lockout.

“There is not a ‘lockout’ of employees as some have returned to work today and are being called back as the hospital’s needs dictate,” the release said.

Many of the 123 members the union marched in a one-day picket line Tuesday to protest a lack of progress in contract negotiations.

The primary demand by the union in negotiations is to have more staff hired.

Dahn claimed that while the hospital has locked out some workers, it allegedly threatened other members with discipline if they did not show up for work.

“They locked out some, and illegally threatened others,” he said. “But the majority of them are locked out.”

Dahn said members of the union will be picketing in West Kittanning and Kittanning this afternoon.

“We will be filing a number of unfair labor practices with the National Labor Relations Board,” he said. “The hospital’s behavior during the strike violated the law in a number of ways.”

The hospital denied any wrongdoing during negotiations.

“Despite the union’s claims, ACMH has bargained in good faith over the many open issues and will continue to do so, since several additional meetings have been scheduled,” the release said. “It’s unfortunate that PASNAP chose to engage in a strike and other misleading and deceptive publicity as a way to try to enhance their bargaining position at this stage of the process.”

The two sides are scheduled to return to the bargaining table Thursday morning.

The union workers have been trying to reach their first contract since organizing in June. The hospital said there have been 20 bargaining sessions during that time and tentative agreement has been reached on 36 items.

The hospital said the quality of care at the facility has not been affected by the strike.

“ACMH anticipated a peaceful end to yesterday’s strike and is confident that the differences with PASNAP will be resolved in due course without any effect on the quality or quantity of services available,” the statement said. “ACMH appreciates all the support and understanding it has received from the community during this process.”

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