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Reassessment truth

A reply to Cheryl Whitehouse (“Other views stupid?” April 21) and reassessment.

Like the rhetoric coming from the Obama Whitehouse, the writer also appeals to emotion rather than fact. She unfortunately is part of the majority of residents who bought into the propaganda published by all the candidates who have run for commissioner since the 1980s (except for one Republican who did not win.) They all used the same logic: too expensive, taxes will go up, too complicated, people don’t want it, etc.

However, like the Ten Commandments, the Pennsylvania Constitution demands that all the rules be obeyed not just the ones that suit you. The politicians know the public thinks a reassessment means higher taxes. An incorrect assumption, but nevertheless any politician adept at the political art of telling the electorate what they want to hear (true or not) verifies the misinformation (lie maybe) for political gain. They find it is easier to propagate the myth rather than try and educate the public of the truth.

I don’t think the citizens who oppose reassessment are stupid, but they have been misinformed by the politicos. Tell a lie long enough it becomes a truth.

The truth is the Pennsylvania Constitution has a uniformity requirement that all property be taxed uniformly. The property tax system is an “ad valorem” system, meaning “taxing according to value”. Real estate is a dynamic entity and values rise and fall from a myriad of influences; supply and demand, appreciation and depreciation, new roadways, commercial development, etc. Thus market values change over time.

Butler County’s last assessment, or date that all property in the county was appraised for market value, was 1969; 46 years ago. The values of that assessment have little relevance to today’s market value. Some values have gone up and some down and some stayed the same. But how do we know which ones?

The appellate courts of Pennsylvania have ruled that an assessment with a coefficient of dispersion (C.O.D. or error rate) of more than 15 percent does not comply with the uniformity clause and is unconstitutional. The last published C.O.D. for Butler was 2011 and it was 57.36 percent. You can look it up. That means 57 percent are wrong according to uniformity.

The taxing bodies set their millage rates according to total assessed value. If your property is undervalued according to market value, you are not paying your fair share and your neighbor who may be assessed correctly will pay a higher millage rate for your deficiency. So those who disfavor a reassessment don’t care if all residents pay their fair share.

But the politicos don’t want to confuse the truth with winning an election, and I don’t like it. I am tired of being conned by politicians at any level.

As to Butler County commissioner candidate Lisa Metcalf’s views on pro-life or pro-gun, I don’t care. Those issues will be decided by a jurisdiction much higher than the county. These topics are ones used by local candidates to trigger an emotional response, knowing they will never have a vote in the decision.

If by protecting the taxpayers and promotion of a business environment by taxing some more than others then yes I disagree.

If one runs for a political office where the property taxing system is unconstitutional and also the major producer of the revenue over which they have a direct duty and control, they should be absolutely educated on that process, and if they don’ educate themselves on that process and make public statements that they are against reassessment without more explanation, I opine they are stupid or lying for political gain, knowing that is what the public wants to hear.

As an aside, some of my income comes from correcting property tax assessments and if a reassessment was conducted it would correct a major portion of those errors and cost me business.

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