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Perilous refugees

While Christians in the Middle East are being persecuted, killed and given a choice of convert or die, the vetting protocols established by the White House have virtually eliminated Christian migration.

Our government has delegated the first step in the refugee selection process to the United Nations. The UN High Commission on Refugees selects candidates from its refugee camps. It is well-known and a virtual certainty that the Obama Administration is aware that Christians avoid the UNHCR camps fearing persecution from Sunni Muslims in the camps and ISIS jihadists.

The results of this highly flawed process are predictable and can be demonstrated by historical results. Since the start of the Syrian civil war, the U.S. has accepted 2,194 Syrian refugees, of which only 53 (2.4 percent) were registered as Christians and 2,098 were registered Muslims.

Since October, the results are even more skewed, with 346 Sunni Muslims and only five Christians. From Nov. 1 through 18, 164 refugees entered the U.S. with 163 being Muslims. In each of these cases, males outnumbered females and ages 14 and older outnumber the children.

We read daily of Christians being raped, killed and persecuted by Muslims across the Middle East and throughout much of Africa. Yet, the flawed Obama Administration policies basically assure that we bring in those who are part of the persecuting groups as refugees while ignoring Christians and other vulnerable groups.

Obama attempts to convince the American people that the vetting process will protect them from his Muslim migration program. However, his own FBI director, James Comey, has stated “there won’t be anything in our database” when asked by Congress about Syrian refugees. The president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, Nathan Catura, has said: “The truth of the matter is there is no effective means or magical litmus test to assess prospective terrorists hidden among the throngs of refugees applying for entry into the United States.”

At a recent Senate hearing, it was established that we have no access to Syrian government data to vet refugees and that we have no process to predict those likely to join ISIS.

This undermining of national security and deception perpetrated by the Obama Administration is further validated by two other historical statistics.

First, the Department of Homeland Security reports that 680,000 green cards have been issued in the past five years to migrants from Muslim-dominant countries.

Second, the FBI reports that the ISIS caseload in the United States has exploded to more than 900.

It is encouraging that House Democrats have seen the need to pause the use flawed practices that ignore those that have been persecuted and killed by the Muslim terrorists, including ISIS.

Conversely, it is truly disheartening to reflect on what could and should have been. ISIS could have been contained or killed in its infancy in Iraq if Obama hadn’t fled the field claiming negotiation failure. There did not have to be a refugee crisis.

The president has never defined what his transformation of America looks like, leaving each of us to determine the impact on the American people by observing his behavior and the results of his actions.

Given that his flawed Middle East policies and now his flawed refugee policies reflect this transformation, our native born American children and grandchildren are being led down a very perilous road.

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