Trail runs on docket for Saturday
This past Saturday, I ran one of my favorite races.
The 12th Annual FAAP Fall Classic, a fund-raiser benefitting Queen of Peace Orphanage in the Philippines, has a distance for every level of trail runner — 5k or 10k loops on single track around the pool area in North Park or a 20k which adds an out-and-back on Rachel Carson Trail.
Organizers and volunteers, led by North Park Trail Runners Club founder Mark Knapp, are welcoming. The course is well-marked. And participants are, in a certain trail runner way, more comrades than competitors.
After the race, I sat watching the Filipino American Association of Pittsburgh's troupe demonstrate a traditional dance while consuming a mound of home-cooked noodles and veggies. While waiting for the awards ceremony with handmade bamboo awards, I swapped trail stories with friends who had completed various distances at the event.
George had twisted an ankle in the second mile of the 20k, but managed to limp to the finish. Bob also took a fall in the longer distance, bruising his shoulder and scuffing the skin from an elbow. His wife Laura, who finished just ahead of me in the 10k, sported two muddy knees. And Dave hooked a toe on a root somewhere along the 5k, scraping his nose and bending his glasses.
But no one had suffered a serious injury and all were smiling. It's just another day of playing in the woods — rocks, roots, and running at top speed.
If that sort of wild fun appeals to you, two Saturday events celebrate trail racing. Rock'N the Knob Trail Challenge bills itself as “PA's Highest Trail Race” with distance choices of 10k, half or full marathon. YUTC 25k and 50k runs on rugged trails (and some pavement) through scenic Mill Creek Park in Youngstown.
If you hurry, you can still register online for Rock'N the Knob until noon today though the deadline has passed to earn some of the swag such as bottle opener, tech shirt, socks, taster, pint glass or growler.
Last year's Rock'N the Knob saw 176 runners complete the challenging 10k and marathon distances. The race starts at Blue Knob All-Seasons Resort, 3,100 feet above sea level. The rocky technical courses feature several major climbs: 1,350 feet in the 10k, 3,010 feet in the new half marathon distance and 6,500 feet for the marathon. Cut-off time for the marathon is nine hours.
Unless you're an experienced trail runner, you'll be watching from the sidelines for the Youngstown event. The Youngstown Ultra Trail Challenge 25k registration opened on March 28 and sold out by April 15. Race director Jim Harris says that the 25k event is limited to 40 entrants to prevent overcrowding on the trail and to keep the focus on the ultra-distance 50k, though there is talk of expanding it in future years.
The 50k has never sold out in its 15-year history. You may register on Saturday at the starting area at the Log Cabin in Mill Creek Park. There is a cut-off of eight hours to finish, nine hours if you request an early start time at 7 a.m.
Jim says that since the Mill Creek trails are open to the public on race day, anyone can run or hike on them during the race. If you wish to sample trail running, he suggests running the 8-mile loop of the race course which leaves from the Log Cabin. It will be marked with flags all day.
If you wish to see ultra runners in action, Jim suggests hanging out at the Covered Bridge where 50k runners pass five times during their journey. And if you're interested, sign up for the 2020 race opens on the first day of spring.
Saturday, 8 a.m.: Rock'N the Knob Trail Challenge, Claysburg. Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k. or bmazur@intelmarx.comSaturday, 8 a.m.: Youngstown Ultra Trail Classic 25k and 50k, Youngstown, OH. Run at Mill Creek Park. or runharrishrun@gmail.comSaturday, 9 a.m.: Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County 5k and 2 Mile Walk, Hermitage. Also kids' fun run at 8:30 A.M. 724-981-0353 or sworthington@foodwarehouse.orgSunday, 8 a.m.: Green Cathedral Half Marathon, 5k and Kids Fun Run, Youngstown, OH. Run at Mill Creek Metro Park's Wick Recreation Area. 330-740-7107 or carolv@millcreekmetroparks.orgSept. 21, 8 a.m.: Zoo Zilla 5k, Pittsburgh. Run at Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium. tgaspard@pittsburghzoo.orgSept. 21, 8:30 a.m.: Peanut Butter Festival 5k, New Bethlehem. Also mountain bike race at 10:30 A.M. 814-221-1322 or 21, 9 a.m.: Janine Kijowski Race for a Cure 5k, Ford City. 724-545-1596 or boltzshelter@yahoo.comSept. 22, 8 a.m.: Boston Harvest 5k, 10k and Half Marathon, Boston. Run on Boston Rail Trail. teambrunazzi@gmail.comSept. 28, 9 a.m.: River Run – Suicide Awareness Run Walk or Roll 5k and 1 Mile, Kittanning. 724-431-3761 or rtger@anrinfo.orgSept.28, 9 a.m.: United Way of Clarion County 5k and 10k Race, Clarion. Run through downtown. 814-226-8760 or clarionunitedway@verizon.netSept. 28, 9 a.m.: 5k Foot Pursuit, Grove City. Starts in Memorial Park. 724-699-0349 or ptlmondo940@grovecitypd.comSept. 29, 8 a.m.: City of Pittsburgh Great Race 5k & 10k, Pittsburgh. Point-to-point 5k starts in Oakland with 10k start in Frick Park at 9:30 A.M. Both finish downtown. www.rungreatrace.comSept. 29, 9 a.m.: Butler Lions Club Scoot and Toot 5k, Butler. Starts at Carousel Shelter in Alameda Park in conjunction with Blind Association's Chili Festival. 724-287-4059 or jbindernagel@theblindassociation.orgOct. 5, 8 a.m.: Run Shadyside 5k, Pittsburgh. Flat and fast course through Shadyside neighborhood. Also 1 Mile Walk. 610-554-5621 or runshadyside.comOct. 5, 8 a.m.: Fall Festival 5k, Butler. Run at Freedom Farms kicks off Fall Festival. Coffee, donuts and admission to the festival included in registration. 412-256-8020 or events@freedomfarmspa.comOct. 5, 9 a.m.: Freeport Girls Basketball 2nd Annual Halloween Hustle 5k, Freeport. Run on Butler-Freeport Rail Trail. ksoilis@zoominternet.netOct. 5, 10 a.m.: Applefest 5k Race for Any Pace, Franklin. Also Junior Joggers 1 Mile and Tiny Trot 50 Yards. 814-432-2138 or dkrizon@franklinymca.orgOct. 6, 8:30 a.m.: Wexford Ram 5k and 1 Mile Family Run/Walk, Allison Park. Starts at North Park's Harmar Pavilion. Kids activities, games, food and drinks, entertainment and music. 412-897-1309 or wexfordramrun@gmail.comOct. 13, 8 a.m.: Ohiopyle Falls and Trails Trilogy, Ohiopyle. Choice of 10k, ½ or full marathon on single track, rugged trails.
Ice Cream Race 5k, Aug. 14 (finishers under 34:00): Ryan Budnik, 1st Overall M, 15:34; Toby Jones, 3rd Overall M, 15:51; Owen Reeher, 5th Overall M, 16:26; Jennifer Krueger, 1st Overall W, 18:35; Summer Hill-Jones, 4th Overall W, 19:43; Seth Jenny, 1st Masters M, 17:42; Benjamin Jones, 3rd 16-19 M, 17:12; Quinn McKnight, 2nd 12-15 M, 18:12; Angie Jenny, 1st 35-39 W, 19:53; Leslie Kramer, 1st 40-44 W, 20:30; Melissa Conjack, 1st 30-34 W, 20:44; S Mark Courtney, 1st 60-64 M, 20:48; Talan Conjack, 3rd 30-34 M, 20:55; Mike Brown, 1st 65-69 M, 21:08; Matthew Harmon, 2nd 40-44 M, 21:47; Abby Mellon, 3rd 12-15 W, 21:48; Miles Jenny, 2nd 11 & Under M, 21:51; Robin Springirth, 3rd 35-39 W, 22:05; Jeremy Jones, 3rd 40-44 M, 22:12; Edward Saxman, 3rd 55-59 M, 22:14; Olivia Lowe, 1st 20-29 W, 22:19; Beth Sciullo, 3rd 40-44 W, 24:57; Noreen See, 1st 55-59 W, 25:41; Debbie Courtney, 2nd 55-59 W, 25:59; Traci Hanna, 2nd 45-49 W, 26:15; Dawn Tucci, 3rd 55-59 W, 26:16; Mary Morgan, 2nd 60-64 W, 26:26; Gloria Henriquez, 1st 11 & Under W, 28:01; Ava Hannon, 2nd 11 & Under W, 28:02; Josie Jones, 3rd 11 & Under W, 28:18; Heather Leskanic, 3rd 45-49 W, 28:26; Rhonda Maloney, 3rd 50-54 W, 29:55; Karen Steffanina, 1st 65-69 W, 30:42; Valerie Sands, 2nd 70+ W, 35:26; Jesse Jones, 18:05; Garre Daugherty, 18:06; David Suber, 2nd 60-64 M, 22:41; Josh Jones, 19:02; Anthony Miller, 19:49; Clark Schwarz, 20:00; Cody Sturgeon, 20:06; Bryce Lowe, 20:11; Wyatt Shepson, 20:11; Evan Miller, 20:13; Scott Meskel, 20:27; Martin Pottinger, Jr, 20:57; Tara Lucot, 21:22; Ethan Winters, 21:26; Chad Green, 21:28; James Hendell, 21:35; Jake Taciuch, 21:41; Harold Domville, 22:00; Hollie Walters, 22:14; Mac Messser, 22:18; Philip Prins, 22:18; Joshua Brenneman, 22:20; Jim Basinski, 22:27; James Brenneman, 22:36; Mary McCarthy, 22:36; Mikayla Montgomery, 22:38; Bethany Litwiler, 22:41; Jerry Wolfe, 22:52; Ben McKnight, 22:52; Bailey Roberts, 23:22; Danielle Cooper, 23:26; Bereket Unverzagt, 23:31; Richard Stewart, 23:33; Eion McKernan, 23:33; Connor Grossman, 23:35; Rick McKain, 23:43; Andrew Edmonds, 23:43; Tamagn Unverzagt, 24:01; James Stewart, 24:10; Lily Hynds, 24:14; Jerry Smith, 24:16; Eliza Gordon, 24:43; Gabe Gordon, 24:43; Hannah Gildersleeve, 24:49; Michael Gildersleeve, 24:50; Amber Sefton, 24:55; Tyler Davis, 24:55; Sabatino Sciullo, 24:57; Marin Smocer, 25:02; Alayna Bishop, 25:26; Monique Vincengt, 25:31; Bill Swanik, 25:33; Dwight Yeagley, 25:37; Justin Barger, 25:43; Harrison Saltrick, 25:46; Ryan Beilstein, 25:55; Megan Messina, 26:07; Rebecca Harmon, 26:25; Rachel Beilstein, 26:31; Matt Chapman, 26:53; Kendall McLaughlin, 26:54; John Snyder, 26:54 Nathanael Nuss, 27:07; Jennie Couch, 27:07; Jessie Browne, 27:09; Tom McMann, 27:10; Jesse Miller, 27:14; Darcy Bowman, 27:16; Jason Bennett, 27:20; Anastasia Harmon, 27:24; John Sestak, 27:36; Mitchell McCleary, 27:43; Jamie Knauff, 27:50; Cindy Bennett, 27:51; Cindy Suber, 27:52; Alex Day, 27:55; Jim Gascoine, 27:58; Joshua Hoobler, 28:09; Jeremy Dicus, 28:13; Calvin Jenny, 28:20; Logan Leskanic, 28:24; Emmy Davis, 28:25; Stephanie McCreary, 28:26; Caroline Messer, 28:38; Karyn Senita, 28:46; Noah Graeser, 28:48; Alexis Reeher, 28:51; Evan Maxwell, 28:55; Jim Lakin, 29:00; Tom Meling, 29:12; Meredith Yarington, 29:28; Aiden Voorhees, 29:31; Lucas Kelly, 29:37; Timothy Miller, 29:37; Charlie Miller, 29:39; Janet Pudlo, 30:01; Tony Sunseri, 30:04; Marcus Kelly, 30:28; Yuli Basinski, 30:34; Daniel Dean, 30:44; Dan Lorigan, 30:44; Mason Barger, 30:46; Kelly Vatter, 30:50; Lisa Jamison, 30:58; Tyler Gomez, 31:02; Laura Augustine, 31:05; Christy Sample, 31:15; Paul Armstrong, 31:28; Sherrie Mazurek, 31:30; Carley Wright, 31:45; Bailee Williamson, 31:55; Jessica Graeser, 31:57; Kara Constantine, 32:08; Meghan Bencic, 32:19; Christina Jones, 32:21; Joann Gordon, 32:29; Caroline Dudt, 32:36; Steve Maddalena, 32:45; Danielle Haney, 32:46; Brooklyn Schartz, 33:02; Alex Kwiat, 33:04; Kennedy Cropp, 33:04; Elizabeth Popp, 33:06; Shannon Armstrong, 33:08; Ed Shephard, 33:26; Jane Armstrong, 33:28; Collin Messer, 33:59Send comments and suggestions: Patricia Neubert. Phone 724-352-4395. Email lotzak@consolidated.netPat Neubert is a running columnist for the Butler Eagle
