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Coronavirus cancellations and information in and around Butler County

Business, schools and organizations in and around Butler County are taking precautionary measures to address the coronavirus outbreak.

Below is a list of events, organizations and schools that have been canceled or postponed as part of these measures.

The Butler Eagle will update this list as more events are canceled and/or postponed.

If you are an organization canceling or postponing an event please email with all relevant updates so we can add it to the list.

LAST UPDATE: The Events section was updated on 5/14/2020 at 5:10 p.m.

All Pennsylvania state park and forest events are canceled until April 30.March 12 — The Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh has canceled nonessential, diocesan-sponsored gatherings effective March 16. Pending further developments, Masses, confessions, religious education and Catholic school classes will continue, with previously announced coronavirus precautions in place. Because this is a fluid and emergent situation, Catholics should expect frequent updates.Parishes with fish fries are encouraged to become takeout only, and to consult local health departments for how to practice takeout hygiene during the pandemic.Bishop David Zubik issued the following statement Thursday: “Following a joint conference call with all the bishops of Pennsylvania, effective immediately and until further notice, I wish to share with you that in union with all my brother bishops I am dispensing the faithful of the Diocese of Pittsburgh from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass.“Despite the suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass, all regularly scheduled Masses will remain open to the public for those who wish to attend.”On March 17 the Diocese of Pittsburgh annoucned all parish activities, fish fries and the Stations of the Cross are to be canceled effective immediately.March 14 -The Grapevine Center's Drop-In Center, Suite B, 140 N. Elm St., is closed for at least the next two weeks. The non-profit's Warmline will continue operating between 6 and 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Anyone who is feeling stressed or distressed can call 724-431-2488.March 15 — The Giant Eagle stores in Seven Fields, Buffalo Plaza and Gibsonia have changed their hours to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. effective March 15.March 20 - Mars Area Primary Center Lottery Kindergarten Registration is postponed until May 8.March 21 — Maureen McGovern's performance at Slippery Rock University has been postponed until Sept. 12.March 22-April 5 - “4 Cars and a Pickup Made in Butler County” at Harmony Museum has been postponed. Museum officials hope to reschedule the display for the summer.March 29 — The Ellen O'Brien Gaiser Center Spring Fashion Show has been RESCHEDULED for Sunday, June 7 at 10:30am. All tickets that were purchased will be honored for June 7th. If you cannot attend in June, please call 724-287-8205 x119 for a refund.April 9 — Tri-County Workforce Investment Board's "Communication Techniques in Healthcare" has been rescheduled to June 11.April 17-19 - Steel City Con has been rescheduled to June 12-14May 2 — April 11 — Butler County Symphony Orchestra's "Dance with Butler County Celebrities fundraiser postponed until 2021.May 7 — Butler County Tourism & Convention Bureau 's Toast to Tourism dinnerMay 9 — Catholic Daughter of America TeaMAY 17 — The Adams War Memorial Services at the Adams Township Park has been canceled.Butler County Area Agency on Aging has canceled SAIL Senior Exercise Classes at Butler Senior Center, Cranberry Township Senior Center, Slippery Rock Senior Center and Westminster Church until further notice.Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) 0152 at the Tanglewood Center in Lyndora is closed as long as the schools remain closed.EVERY Thursday — Nar-Anon family support group that meets Thursdays at St. Paul Roman Catholic Church is canceled for the time being.All Pennsylvania State Police's upcoming youth camps, which had been scheduled throughout the spring and summer months. are canceled.Slippery Rock University's Advisory Board Reception and Student Showcase is canceled.Butler County Alliance for Children has rescheduled their Strike Out Child Abuse event until May 2, 2020.• Cruise-A-Palooza has been canceled.• Pennsic Wars has been canceled.• Bantam Jeep Heritage Festival has been postponed to 2021.• Horse Trading Days has been canceled.<b>State Parks</b>All public programs, events and trainings in state parks and forests will be canceled for the rest of March and April. However, the parks will remain open, including Moraine, the exception of three state parks in Montgomery County.Dress for Success will limit operations to essential client services only, effective immediately and until further notice. Each boutique will remain open 2 days each week. The Butler office will be open Tuesday's and Thursdays from 9:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

<b>Adams Township</b>March 16 — Amherst Village conditional use hearingMarch 17 — UCC hearing @ 6 p.m.March 17 —Zoning hearing board @ 7 p.m.<b>BuffaloTownship</b>March 19 — Municipality Board Meeting canceled.<b>Cranberry Township </b>Beginning at 4 p.m. Friday, March 13, the municipality of Cranberry Township will be canceled or postponed all non-essential programming, meetings and events. This includes all Parks and Recreation Department offerings, excluding pre-school and Kids Club programs.<b>Butler County Libraries</b>In compliance with a directive from the Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries, all Butler County libraries will stay closed through March 30.<b>Butler Township</b>• Butler Township municipal buildings are closed to walk-in service for at least two weeks.• The Butler Township Planning Commission has canceled its April 7 meeting.<b>Evans City</b>Evans City Water and Sewer Authority office will be closed to the public beginning Monday March 16, 2020.<b>Mars Borough</b>March 16 -- Mars Borough agenda setting meeting (7 p.m.)<b>Mars Township</b>March 18 — Middlesex supervisor meeting at 6:30 p.m. is canceled<b>Zelienople</b>Zelienople borough building are closed from March 16 through April 3.The public and non-essential personnel will not be admitted, although essential staff will be present, allowing residents to conduct business with the borough via phone or email.Residents may continue making utility bill payments using the lock box or a drop box in the rear parking lot.

Pennsylvania Middle School Basketball Championship postponed.PIAA 2A Swimming and Diving Championship - Postponed for two weeks.PIAA Basketball Championship - Postponed for two weeks.PIHL postpones hockey games for a minimum of two weeks.Butler Catholic School has all soccer and basketball tournaments this weekend.Slippery Rock University cancels spring athletic schedule.Butler County Community College cancels spring athletic schedule.

All Pennsylvania K-12 schools will be closed March 16 to 27 in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.<b>Karns City Area School District</b>UPDATE: Butler County was added to Gov. Wolf's stay-at home order on March 27. School lunches provided by Karns City will continue to be prepared because they are considered essential also chrome books and educational packets will be available for pick up at the high school on Monday since traveling to obtain educational resources is also considered essential.All Karns City Area School District students are able to order breakfast and lunch during the school closure.The district will provide meals for each student signed up beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 throughout the closure. You only need to sign up once and your child(ren) will continue to receive meals each weekday of the closure.Meals can be picked up at the Karns City High School cafeteria between 11 AM and 1 PM. Additional pick-up sites could be established in the future depending on the volume of orders and location the meals are needed.On March 19, Karns City Area School District announced it will be adding a food delivery service to its student meals program starting March 23. The new service is only available for area families that are homebound with no transportation or other means to retrieve the meals.To apply the district directs residents to the District Website home page where they will select the Delivery Application Tab in order to complete the application. Filling out the form does not guarantee delivery according to the press release.Those who cannot access the website to complete the application can call 724-756-2030 ext. 1015 with a detailed message including your name, your child's name, address, and phone number.Please note that all meals are free to any Karns City Area School District student and any other person under the age of 18. Children do not have to be on free or reduced lunch to receive a meal.Butler County was added to Gov. Wolf's stay-at home order on March 27. School lunches provided by Karns City will continue to be prepared because they are considered essential also chrome books and educational packets will be available for pick up at the high school on Monday since traveling to obtain educational resources is also considered essential.<b>Butler Area School District</b>Butler Area School District announced it will provide children free meals while schools are closed.Parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 seeking the grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches are encouraged — but not required — to register by accessing the meal order form on the district's website,, however, also will be provided to all “walk-ups,” White said. At that time, district officials will collect all pertinent information from recipients.The district's food service department will provide both meals for daily pickup between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at both Center Avenue Community School, located at 102 Lincoln Ave., or Emily Brittain Community Partnership and Demonstration School, located at 338 N. Washington St.If needed, meal delivery will also be available for those families living within the school district, according to Superintendent Brian White.Additionally, he said, the district will continue the Kids' Weekend Backpack Program as of this Friday.<b>Diocese of Pittsburgh K-12</b>All Diocese of Pittsburgh K-12 schools will close from March 16 to March 30.The following is a list of colleges in Western Pennsylvania that have closed their campuses, have extended spring break and/or will begin online instruction in reaction to COVID-19.<b>Colleges & Universities</b>Allegheny College<b>Butler County Community College</b> and all satellite campuses moves to remote instructions. All college and public events scheduled canceled until further notice. Effective today, March 17, Butler County Community College will transition to remote instruction or cancel all noncredit workforce development, public safety, lifelong learning and adult literacy courses and trainings until further notice, no matter the scheduled location.California University of PennsylvaniaCarlow UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityChatham UniversityClarion University of PennsylvaniaDuquesne UniversityGrove City CollegeIndiana University of PennsylvaniaLa Roche UniversityPenn-State University and all of its satellite campuses for a three-week period.Point Park UniversityRobert Morris UniversitySlippery Rock University has extended spring break until the end March.Westminster CollegeUniversity of Pittsburgh and all of its satellite campuses.

<b>UPMC</b>UPMC announced Saturday it had developed a test for the novel coronavirus 2019 — the virus that causes COVID-19 — and will use this test to diagnose select, symptomatic cases. The health system plans to rapidly increase capacity at its central laboratory and, if there is a need, could test hundreds of patients per week in the near future, filling a critical gap before other commercial tests come online.“Developing this test for a never-before-seen virus in the midst of a pandemic was a tremendous challenge, even for our academic medical center with its long history of such developments,” said Alan Wells, medical director of the UPMC Clinical Laboratories and Thomas Gill III Professor of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. “But testing capabilities are absolutely essential to managing a pandemic. If the communities we serve see a surge in severe illnesses, we must be able to diagnose people quickly to give them the appropriate care while protecting our staff and the broader community.”<b>Butler Memorial Hospital</b>Because two cases of novel coronavirus 2019 were confirmed in Allegheny County Friday, Butler Health System is restricting visitation at Butler Memorial Hospital starting Saturday.Butler Healthcare System announced March 19 that the outpatient testing sites in Sarver, East Brady, Petrolia, Brady Street in Butler, and Mill Street in New Castle will close temporarily as of Friday. For x-ray, EKG and lab needs, please visit the following locations:<b>Sarver</b>: BHS Outpatient Services in Saxonburg, 101 Alwine Road. Phone number 724-352-1313.<b>East Brady and Petrolia</b>: BHS Outpatient Services in Chicora, 160 Medical Center Road, Suite B. Phone number 724-445-0043.<b>Butler</b>: BHS Outpatient Services, 480 East Jefferson Street, Suite A, Butler. Phone number 724-284-4884.<b>New Castle</b>: BHS Outpatient Services, Enclave, 121 Enclave Drive, Suite C, New Castle, PA 16105. Phone number 724-202-7096.For x-ray, EKG and lab needs, please visit the following locations:• Sarver: BHS Outpatient Services in Saxonburg, 101 Alwine Road. Phone number 724-352-1313.• East Brady and Petrolia: BHS Outpatient Services in Chicora, 160 Medical Center Road, Suite B. Phone number 724-445-0043.• Butler: BHS Outpatient Services, 480 East Jefferson Street, Suite A, Butler. Phone number 724-284-4884.• New Castle: BHS Outpatient Services, Enclave, 121 Enclave Drive, Suite C, New Castle, PA 16105. Phone number 724-202-7096.Visitors will not be allowed at the hospital with certain exceptions such as surgery and maternity cases. Those visitors will be stopped at the hospital entrance and screened for COVID-19 symptoms.Clergy visitation at Butler Memorial Hosptial has been suspended unless a patient is on life-support or in a hospice situation.Traumatic brain injury groups are canceled.All Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are canceled.All Seniors for Safe Driving meetings have been canceled.All lifestyle coaching events are canceledSmokeless Saturday meetings are canceled.All auxiliary sales have been canceled.<b>ACMH Hospital</b>Visitors limited to one per patient.ACMH discourages large groups of visitors from congregating in waiting areas.Well wishes and get-well greetings may be sent to in-patient loved ones via a phone call or with an E-Greeting, sent through the ACMH Hospital webpage.<b>Quality Life Services</b>As of March 12 family and friends of residents are prohibited from visiting Quality Life Services facilities.<b>Allegheny Health Network (AHN)</b>Last week, AHN began limiting the number of visitors for a patient to one at a time in the patient's hospital room. Exceptions are being made for patients who are receiving end of life care and for patients in both the labor and delivery suites (L&D) and Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). Two visitors at a time are permitted for patients in those areas.AHN implemented a visitor screening policy Sunday meant to ensure physical distancing and limited exposure to caregivers and patients. Until further notice, visitors at all AHN hospital entrances will be screened and asked the following two questions: "Have you traveled domestically or internationally in the last 14 days?" and "Do you have a cough or fever?" If visitors answer yes to either question, they will not be permitted to enter the facility. AHN is also reducing the number of entrance points at each of its hospitals to help manage the new screening policy.<b>Heritage Valley Health System</b>In order to further protect the health of patients, staff and the community during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Heritage Valley Health System announces that effective immediately no visitation is permitted at its three hospitals– Heritage Valley Beaver, Heritage Valley Sewickley and Heritage Valley Kennedy.The only exceptions to this policy will be for the Maternity/Obstetrics Units at Heritage Valley Sewickley and Beaver, where one visitor will be permitted, and for patients near the end of life.<b>Compassionate Certification Centers </b>All offices will be closed effective March 23 for a minimum of two week. Virtual appointments are available.<b>Concordia Lutheran Ministries </b>Visitors and vendors to Concordia Haven Apartments are asked not to enter or visit if they have:- A fever greater than 100 degrees- Are coughing, sneezing or flu-like symptoms- Have recently traveled to Italy, South Korea, China, Jaman or Iran in the past 14 days.

• Zion UMC has cancelled worship services at the church for March 22 and 29. A single worship gathering will be offered by way of Facebook Live, The stream will start at 10:00 am both Sundays.• Orchard Hill Church Butler County will cancel this Sunday's services for 9:00 and 10:45 am.• Trinity Lutheran Church announced March 18 that all worship services (including all Wednesday Lent Services) and activities are canceled for 4 weeks.• Butler Area Lutheran Ministries' Lenten midweek services are suspended until further notice.• First English Lutheran Church has canceled all worship services, Bible studies and choir practices until further notice.• Chicora and Karns City United Methodists churches will be closed through April 5th.• Grace @ Calvary: Worship on March 29 is canceled. BALM Mid-Week Worship and Fellowship is canceled. Grace's Closet is closed March 28 and April 11.• Zion Lutheran Church, Chicora PA will cancel all services until further notice.

24-hour Walmart locations are reducing hours. Stores will be open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. until further notice.

• Butler Lions Club: Mother's Day Rose Sale, Sausage Sale• Pittsburgh North Regional Chamber offices are Closed March 18 to March 27.• Butler County Chamber of Commerce are temporarily closed and all networking has events are canceled.• Central Electric Cooperative is restricting access to the office and lobby area to reduce exposure to COVID-19.• ADA mandates that dentists close.• All driver license centers and photo license centers in Pennsylvania will be closed for two weeks effective close of business on Monday, March 16. For driver licenses, photo ID cards, learner's permits, vehicle registrations, safety inspections emissions inspections, and persons with disabilities parking placard scheduled to expire from March 16 through March 31, 2020, the expiration date is now extended until April 30, 2020.• All Pennsylvania state park and forest events are canceled until April 30. All offices, visitor centers, restrooms, and overnight accommodations closed until March 31.• Butler County Humane Society will be closed to the public until April 1st, 2020. All upcoming adoption events and shelter activities at the shelter will be canceled until April 1st.• Butler County Senior Centers will be closed indefinitely beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020.• The Butler Chapter 45 of the Order of the Eastern Star is canceling all meetings and activities until May 1.• The Light of Life Community Outreach of Butler, 215 W. North St., will be closed effective Tuesday, March 17, until there is a safe time to reopen for our community.• The office of state Sen. Elder Vogel will be closed to in-person services until further notice. Staff will still be available to respond to emails and phone messages.• The Emergency Solutions Grant Application public meeting that was scheduled for Monday, March 23 at 10:00 a.m. at Butler County Human Services has been postponed.

All free community meals served weekly at Butler churches are going to be served as meals to go until further notice.One free bagged meal will be provided per person at the regularly scheduled meal locations.Below are the pick-up times.The Salvation ArmyMonday – Friday11:30 AM – 12:30 PM313 W. Cunningham Street, ButlerFirst English Lutheran ChurchMonday5- 6PM241 N. Main Street, ButlerFirst United Methodist ChurchFriday5-6 PM215 N. McKean Street, ButlerSt. Paul Roman Catholic ChurchTuesday5-6 PM128 N. McKean Street, ButlerNew Beginnings Free Methodist ChurchFirst, Fourth & Fifth Saturday of the Month5 – 6 PM416 Center Avenue, ButlerSt. Andrew's United Presbyterian ChurchWednesday5-6 PM(Use Cliff Street Entrance)North Street Christian ChurchSecond & Third Saturday5-6 PM220 W. North Street, ButlerSt. Mark's Lutheran ChurchThursday5-6 PM201 W. Jefferson Street, ButlerSt. Andrew's Presbyterian Church1st, 4th and 5th Sunday of the MonthBagged lunch offered noon – 1PM201 E. Jefferson Street, Butler (Cliff St. Entrance)Anyone in need of a free meal is welcome!

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