BUTLER - Butler Councilman Joe Bratkovich told city council Tuesday night the residents on Cleveland Street who are working to replace the retaining wall that collapsed in April are making progress.
The wall was deemed to be the property and responsibility of the homeowners by the city's solicitor.
After a strong April storm, the wall, which had been leaning in front of two houses, fell into the street.
Since then, Bratkovich said, the residents have been working with contractor Pat McGrady, who has offered to take the stone away for free.
Bratkovich said he has talked to DuBrook and that the city cement manufacturer has offered to cut the cost to the residents for either cement or prefab cement slabs for the reconstruction of the wall.
He gave no timeline for the completion of the project.
EAST BRADY - East Brady Regular Baptist Church, 508 Kelly Way, will hold a community open house for its new youth center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.The center is located in the basement of the parsonage next to the church.The center holds youth-oriented entertainment materials such as television, video games, computers, a pool table, darts, air hockey and foosball.Meetings for area youths ages 11 through 12th grade are held from 6 to 8 p.m. Sundays at the center.Center activities are overseen by Peter Sapp, the church's youth minister. He is a graduate of Karns City High School and Clarion University and attended Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, a seminary in Ambridge, for two years.For information, call 724-526-5475.
PENN TWP - The road work on Route 8, scheduled for this week, has been postponed because of the rainy weather, the state Department of Transportation said.The work is now expected to begin Tuesday.The $1.3 million project includes base repair, drainage and resurfacing Route 8 from Airport Road to Renfrew Road.Traffic will be restricted to a single lane in each direction between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The project will take several weeks to complete.