My COVID-19 coverage started with the smell of urinal cakes, standing behind a big-bodied truck driver who meticulously scrubbed his hands with soap in the Love’s Truck S...
Last week, science delivered a really cute experimental result. Researchers created a “colossal woolly mouse,” a fluffy rodent that’s purported to be a step on the way to...
Immigrants to the United States holding green cards never expect to encounter agents from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, or ICE.
Green-card holders ...
Now, more than ever, you need to know.
You not only need to know about the chaos in Washington, but you need to know what’s happening in your own backyard in state, coun...
As I read the March 2 article on the county commissioners clash, I am concerned about the glaring omissions in the article.
First, Sheriff Mike Slupe had no responsibili...
During the election, Donald Trump explicitly stated that he “had nothing to do with” Project 2025. Yet since his election, he has been implementing it almost to the lette...
The Butler Eagle welcomes letters from its readers on any public subject.
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