Triple "S" Golf League
Pinnacles 34, Prostaffs 33, Top Flites 33, Titleists 29, Maxflies 18
Low gross-John Fecich 41, low net-Ed McNamara 43-35
Low gross-Keith Shields 43, low net-Tim Siljander 43-34
Top Flites:
Low gross-Wes Vaughn 39, low net-Stan Cypher 47-35
Low gross-Dan Mulneix 38, low net-Don Isovitsch 49-34
Low gross-Bob Kalac 36, low net-Bruce Ball 38-31
Butler Country Club
Women's Golf Association
Play of the Day-Putts
Division I:
1-Mary Leone 31, 2 (tie)-Nancy Leonard 32, Katie Wentworth 32
Division II:
1-Carol Tillotson 33, 2 (tie)-Dusty Stamets 37, Donna Betres 37, Pat Gottschalk 37, Pat Niemeyer 37
Division III:
1-Lauretta Phillips 32, 2-Patricia Funovits 35
Division IV:
1-Louise Yates 35, Barbara Wigton 36
Skill Prizes:
Longest Putt-Susan Shamey on #9 & Grace Shields on #18
Stroke Play
Division I:
Jane Wymer 73, Mary Leone 74
Division II:
Noreen Muempher 69, Louise Coleman 74
Division III:
Grace Shields 72, Tina DiGaetano 73
Division IV:
Barbara Thomas 76, Rosalie Leri 78
Oakview Thursday Morning Ladies
Fun Day July 1
1st place:
Laura Uram and Louise Fontaine;
2nd place:
Judy Schoeffel and Stephanie Lubinsky;
3rd place:
Kandy Archer and Pat Dombart;
4th place:
Dottie West and Janet Uram;
5th place:
Tammee Murray and Polly Billek;
6th place:
Carol Miller and Nancy Neyman
Belmont II Thursday Night Ladies
Team #6, Team #7, Team #5, Team #8, Team #1, Team #4, Team #2, Team #3
Flight 1:
Low gross and net; Denise Page 42-31; low net B. Kriley 42
Flight 2:
Low gross and net L. Harrison, C. McCollough and J. McKindree 44-35
Flight 3:
Low gross and net-Barb King 45-32; low net-C. Weiland 32
Flight 4:
Low gross and net-Nancy Kulick 55-36; low net-K. Bruner 36
Flight 5:
Low gross and net-Terry Flemming 32
W.Rick's Taproom & Grill/ Aubrey's Dubb's Dred League
Low gross:
John Aubrey Jr. 33, Justin Kerr 36, Phil Loverick Sr. 36, Bill Black 37, Ben Schmidt 37, Jeff Byrns Jr. 38, Greg Loverick 38, Bob Olanyk 38
Low net:
Rich Ford 29, Shawn Lutz 29, Phil Loverick Sr. 30, Tom Houllihan 31, Bill Larkin 31, Ben Schmidt 31, Bruce Gribble 32, Jason Summerville 32