Careful, wise choices
Robert O. Ralston, author, hit upon the importance of good will and reputation when he discussed the fact that we grew up believing it was our "sacred" responsibility never to compromise the honor of the family name. If everything else were to be taken away from us, we could still hold our heads up high and move forward with pride.
Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., once said, "We can afford to lose money - even a lot of money. We cannot afford to lose reputation - even a shred of reputation.
John Stuart, who was the chairman of the Quaker Oats Co. years ago, seemed to agree. He stated, "If this business were to be split up, I would be glad to take the brands, trademarks and good will. You could have all the bricks and mortar, and I would fare better than you."
The value of a company is in its brand - the positive and powerful good will that attracts people to its products or services. The brand must be protected at all cost.
Because of the choices that man has made without regard to good will and reputation, our society has a lot of problems.
Everything we see taking place today is the direct result of the choices men have make. God is not to blame.
The fault lies with man himself, and the sooner we acknowledge that truth, the sooner we may be able to improve our condition.
If we continue to make these wrong choices, we will not get much relief, even if we pray to God continuously for help. As long as we permit pride, covetousness, jealousy, unbridled ambition, hate and greed to dictate our choices, we can expect others to use those same forces against us.
It was stated so well in an article I once read: "Where suspicion rules, confidence flees. Where hate is, love is not.
"Where greed controls, charity is smothered. But where brotherhood exists, confidence, love and charity combine to create and cherish peace."
I no longer have the man's name who wrote it, but I do agree.
Let us make careful, wise choices. Let us remember that good will and our reputation are dependent on these choices.
Let us not be afraid to stand alone if we have to, when we know that our choice is the right one.
The following anonymous quote expresses this very well:
"There is something brave about a candle burning in the darkness. Some people are brave only when they are a part of a crowd, but a candle - it may be a dim and feeble thing in the daylight, but alone in the dark it rises to the occasion and sends out its beams as fearlessly as the brightest sun."