Here are groups, organizations and businesses that are helping with relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.
All garden center cash and carry sales at Stirling Landscaping, 840 Mercer Road, are going to aid hurricane victims.One hundred percent of the receipts will be donated to the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army or Operation Blessing, according to owner Bob Stirling.He said customers can even make out checks for their items to those organizations so it can be a tax deduction.So far the business has raised $3,500, Stirling said.These donations are not for landscaping services.
Butler County Community College students will collect money for the relief fund from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, at the main campus.Visitors can make donations at the tent area near Armstrong Lodge on College Drive.All money collected will be given to the Butler Chapter of the American Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund.For more information, contact the BC3 Student Life Office at 724-287-8711, Ext. 8448.
Capt. Eric Schuelke of the Civil Air Patrol squadron in Butler didn't know when he volunteered to go to Mississippi to aid hurricane victims that it would turn into a family affair.While serving with 30 other CAP volunteers from other areas of Pennsylvania starting Sept. 2, Schuelke ran into his son, Lance Cpl. Ian Schuelke of the 2nd Marine Division as both were doing property damage assessments in opposite ends of Pearl River County.The younger Schuelke is a 2004 graduate of Butler High School.His father, who returned to Butler on Monday, said his overriding impression of the people he helped was their resilience."They were more concerned about us than they were about themselves," Eric Schuelke said.