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Congressional Democratic candidate

Georgia Berner this week announced former state Treasurer

Barbara Hafer has endorsed her candidacy in the 4th District in a bid to challenge Republican U.S. Rep.

Melissa Hart.Hafer also will serve as honorary finance chairwoman of Berner's campaign.Berner of Zelienople, is president and chief executive officer of the New Castle-based Berner International Corp., a leader in the manufacturing of air doors/air curtains and related equipment.

Jason Altmire, of McCandless Township, a former UPMC Health System executive, is also seeking the Democratic nomination."Georgia Berner is the type of Democratic leader that we need in Washington," Hafer said, "Georgia knows business and cares about people. Her record as an innovative businesswoman is unsurpassed."———

State Rep. <B>Daryl Metcalfe</B>, R-12th, is again the highest-ranking state lawmaker on the 2006 "The Liberty Index," and one of only eight lawmakers to earn an A grade.Ranking third is state Rep. <B>Brian Ellis</B>, R-11th.This second-annual, mid-term report was released on Monday by the Commonwealth Foundation, a free-market public policy research and educational institute based in Harrisburg.The Liberty Index tracks lawmakers' voting records on key issues important to conservatives.The report tracked legislation during the first half of the 2005-06 legislative session. Each vote was evaluated on one question: "Does this Act expand or contract the Liberty of the people of Pennsylvania?"Metcalfe's A grade and score of 93.23 on a scale of 100 earned him the top ranking out of Pennsylvania' 254 state representatives and senators.Ellis, who also earned an A grade, tied for the highest-ranking freshman ranking.In all, 52 lawmakers received A, B or C grades for voting to "expand" liberty, while 124 lawmakers, including Gov. Ed Rendell, received an F grade for voting to "contract" liberty.For information on the 2006 Liberty Index visitg

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