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Religious Roundup

Butler Church of the NazareneAmber Reckner, Krystal McIndoe and Nathan Martsolf will provide music for the Sunday service at the Butler Church of the Nazarene, 4410 Oakdale Road and Route 68, Butler Township. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Ron Reagle of Franklin. There will be a special recognition of all fathers.The all-church/vacation Bible school picnic will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at the District Center at Mount Chestnut. Participants should call the church office at 724-482-4116 for information on what food items are needed.Beginning this week, the Rev. Don Chamberlain will lead Wednesday worship services.The Senior Adult Ministries is planning a trip to the Allegheny National Forest and Kinzua Bridge on June 23. Cost is $10, which includes a picnic lunch and gas. For information or to sign up, call the church office or Darlene Johns at 724-538-9342.

Christ Community U.M.The Rev. Cloyd Osborne, pastor emeritus of Christ Community United Methodist Church, 205 N. Duffy Road, Butler Township, will be the guest speaker at the 6:30 p.m. Saturday service and the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service. The church is at 205 N. Duffy Road, Butler.Volunteers are needed to help with games, crafts and music during vacation Bible school, planned for 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 24 to 27. To help, sign up at the information table in the narthex or contact Mel Alston at the church, 724-287-4462.

Christ's OutreachThere will be a mandatory vacation Bible school planning, training and advertising meeting for all volunteers will be held form 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at Christ's Outreach Church, 120 Walker Ave. Those attending should wear walking shoes. To serve as a VBSvolunteer, call the church office at 724-283-8407.The Grub Runners will depart from the church parking lot at 6 p.m. Tuesday to travel to a yet undetermined restaurant destination.

Community LifeCommunity Life Church, McQuistion Elementary School, will hold a Father's Day service at 10:15 a.m. Sunday. Acookout will follow the service.The next youth group meeting will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. June 21 at the home of the Ogles.

Covenant PresbyNewly elected elders will be ordained and installed during the 10 a.m. Sunday service at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 230 E. Jefferson St. Sarah Morrison will be the guest musical artist for the service. Men in the congregation will be honored and presented with carnation boutonnieres at the service.On Saturday, church members and friends will visit the Rodef Shalom Synagogue in Oakland and attend the traditional Jewish Shabbat Service at 10:30 a.m. There will be a tour of the synagogue and its biblical gardens. In the afternoon, the group will travel to Penn Hills to visit the Sri Venkateswara Hindu Temple.

First BaptistFirst Baptist Church, 221 W. New Castle St., will be among congregations participating in a work week through Saturday at the Slippery Rock Baptist Camp, 130 Elliot Lane, Worth Township. Meals will be provided and lodging is available.

First English LutheranFirst English Lutheran Church, 241 N. Main St., will be collecting regular-size soap for St. Vincent de Paul Society. A box for the soap will be in the Brady Street narthex. Delivery will be at the end of June. Monetary donations to this program, "We're Forever Blowing Bubbles," are also appreciated. Donations should be placed in the offering envelopes and "soap" should be written on the "Specials" line.A sign-up sheet is posted on the choir loft doors for those willing to perform music during summer services.

Glade Run U.P.There will be no youth group or prayer meeting Sunday at Glade Run United Presbyterian Church, 1091 Pittsburgh Road, Valencia.A vacation Bible school planning luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m. Friday for all teachers and helpers. For details, call 724-898-1016.A Men's Fellowship Breakfast will be held at 7 a.m. Saturday at Country Kitchen, Penn Township.The 10th Annual Golf Outing to benefit the South Butler County Meals on Wheels will be held Aug. 6 at Conley Resort. Golfers and sponsors should call 724-538-9380 or contact Meals on Wheels at 724-898-0080.

GraceWay CommunityErnie and Jenny Taylor and Amber Crowe will provide music for the Father's Day service at 10 a.m. Sunday at GraceWay Community Church, Center Township Elementary School, Mercer Road, Center Township. Fathers at the service will be honored and presented a gift.A youth/parent meeting will be held Tuesday at Panera Bread. For details, call 724-290-7007.

Hill U.P.Sunday school classes at Hill United Presbyterian Church, 501 Second St., will continue through the summer. Classes meet at 9:15 a.m. The adult Sunday school class will be following the "Nooma" DVD series. Each Sunday a new topic will be presented and a different adult will facilitate the discussion.This Sunday the Rev. Atakro and his wife, Belief, from Ghana will attend worship.Monetary donations to purchase anti-malaria bed nets can be given to Gloria Miller or left in the church office. The Rev. Porter and his family will take the collection to Ghana.Adult volunteers are needed for the vacation Bible school program to be held Aug. 21 to 23.

Meridian U.P.The deacons of Meridian United Presbyterian Church, 4150 Highland Ave., Butler Township, will have a gift for each father present at the 10 a.m. Sunday service.

Mt. Chestnut PresbyNine youth and two adults from Mt. Chestnut Presbyterian Church, 727 Old West 422, Franklin Township, will leave Saturday for Slidell, La., to help with Hurricane Katrina relief through the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Agency. The group will be away 10 days.Fathers will be honored at the 8:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday services, led by a guest pastor. Fathers in attendance will receive a token of appreciation.AFood Cupboard meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday. For details, call the church office.

New Life Christian MinistriesA "Come Let Us Build" update will be shared at the Sunday service at New Life Christian Ministries, Knoch Senior High School, 345 Knoch Road, Saxonburg. Progress on the proposed building plans will be shared.Youth in grades 6 to 12 will travel to King's Island in Ohio for an overnight trip Tuesday and Wednesday. Cost for the trip is $50 plus spending money for dinner on June 19 and lunch on June 20. Parental permission forms are required for those attending. For information, contact senior pastor Chris Marshall at 724-352-4196.The Nehemiah Team will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. June 21 at The Bridge, 102 Bay St., Penn Township. The team will review proposed plans and costs for the new mission outpost church building at 127 Knoch Road, Saxonburg.The church will have two tables at the Kids' Expo to be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 22 at the Butler County Airport, 473 Airport Road, Penn Township.

North Main Street Church of GodThe Adult Sunday morning groups of North Main Street Church of God, 1201 N. Main St. Ext., will hold a joint meeting at 9:30 a.m. Sunday in Fellowship Hall for a presentation by Donald Franz, missionary to Encarnacion, Paraguay. Franz will also speak at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service.High school and college graduates will be honored during the Sunday service.Donations of grocery, health and cleaning items are needed to stock the Helping Hands cupboard stocked. Alist of suggested donations is available at the West Welcome Center.Youth camp for students in grades three and four will be held Monday through June 21 at Whitehall Camp in Emlenton. Camp for youth in grades five and 6 will be held Monday through June 22 and junior and senior high youth will gather for camp June 25 to June 30. For details, visit Information about the high school camp is also available by contacting Brian Smith at 724-285-4214.

Nixon U.M.An informal summer service will be held at 8:30 a.m. Sunday at Nixon United Methodist Church, Airport Road, Penn Township. A Donuts with Dad fellowship time will be held from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m.The Rev. Steve and Wendy Tuell and family will provide music at the 10 a.m. service.

Old Union PresbyAprayer offering will be received at the Sunday service of Old Union Presbyterian Church, 200 Union Church Road, Mars. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated during worship this week.The Church Growth Team will meet after worship this week.Strawberry pickers should meet at 8:30 a.m. Friday at the church to car pool to the berry patch. Participants meeting the group at the patch should contact Linda Millson.Volunteers are needed to prepare berries Saturday morning.Stephen Cramer is available for pastoral assistance while the Rev. Peter DeVries is in Ghana. He will also lead worship during this time.Donations of beads, new or used, and other jewelry-making accessories are being collected in a box in the back of the church. They will be used by a women's organization at the Community College of Allegheny College to make jewelry as a fundraiser for their organization and for a group service project. For information, speak with Becky DeVries.Information about a mission work trip for Church World Service, Oct. 15 to 17 is available in the back of the church.Bible school will be held July 16 to 20. Registration forms are in the back of the church. To volunteer, speak with Becky McMaster.

Saint Andrews U.P.The Session of Saint Andrews United Presbyterian Church, 201 East Jefferson St., has voted to provide scholarships for three first-time campers. To help sponsor a camper, send a check payable to Saint Andrews United Presbyterian Church, and note that it's for Westminster Camp.Musicians are needed to perform during summer worship services. For details, contact Becky Veith.Bakers are needed to donate desserts to Meals on Wheels in July. For details or to volunteer, contact Barb Hutchison.The annual corn roast has been planned for Aug. 18 at Weckerly Farm.

Saxonburg Memorial U.P.Achicken barbecue will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at Saxonburg Memorial United Presbyterian Church, Main Street, Saxonburg. Meals are available for eat-in or takeout. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children 10 and younger. Proceeds benefit the Cover the Ark fund.Women Dine Out will be held at 6 p.m. Monday at the Hardwood Cafe.One or two volunteers are needed for the television ministry program, which brings the weekly services to shut-ins.

St. John U.C.C.The annual church picnic at St. John's United Church of Christ, 501 E. Main St., Evans City, has been set for 10 a.m. June 24.The Penn West Conference will be held Friday and Saturday.

St. Mark's Evangelical LutheranFathers will be honored at the weekend services at St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 201 W. Jefferson St. Fathers present will receive a gift at services. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services.July 1 is the last opportunity to give any CD's, DVD's or books on CDfor "Tunes 4 the Troops." Drop off boxes are placed at all church entrances. Monetary donations are also welcome.

St. Peter's EpiscopalAstrawberry festival will be held at 4 p.m. Friday at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 218 E. Jefferson St. The event will include sandwiches, beverages and strawberry desserts.The Daughters of the King will host a Father's Day brunch after the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. Volunteers are welcome. For details, contact Karen Geary.The program "Five Wishes," about living wills that include personal, emotional, and spiritual wishes, will be offered after the 9:30 a.m. service June 24. Registration is requested by contacting the Gearys.

St. Richard R.C.The Sacrament of Anointing the Sick will be celebrated immediately following the 5 p.m. Saturday Mass at St. Richard Roman Catholic Church, 3841 Dickey Road, Gibsonia. This sacrament is for anyone who is elderly, facing serious illness or surgery.Eucharistic Adoration will be held from 7:45 to 9 p.m. Tuesday and from 9:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday.The Pittsburgh/Greensburg Fraternity of Priests will celebrate a Mass for healing at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the church. The Rev. Bob Boyle will be the celebrant.

Trinity LutheranThe Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist will be shared at the 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 8:30 a.m. Sunday services at Trinity Lutheran Church, 120 Sunset Drive, Center Township.A breakfast for the women of the church will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the picnic shelter. The breakfast may be the beginning of a new women's group.The Butler Community Health Clinic is seeking volunteers for its business campaign. An informational meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the church. Those unable to attend can call Ken Bennett for information at 724-794-2999.Gardeners are still needed to adopt a plot in Katie's Garden. The harvest is used to support Katie's Kitchen, the Thursday evening meal prepared by members of Trinity and St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran churches. Katie's Kitchen is also seeking someone to fill the manager position. To apply, call 724-287-6741.The youth will hold ayard sale June 23 in the picnic shelter. Donations of sale items are now being collected.

Trinity PresbyterianPaul Cashdollar will lead the 10 a.m. Sunday service at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 107 Staley Ave., Butler Township. The Praise Band will perform during the service.Volunteers from Trinity will serve the community meal from 5 to 6 p.m. June 20.

White Oak Springs PresbyterianThe members of the White Oak Springs Presbyterian Church, 102 Shannon Road, Renfrew, will hold their annual outdoor worship service and picnic Sunday at Connoquenessing Park. Worship will begin at 11 a.m. and the picnic will follow at noon. Those attending should take a covered dish or dessert and lawn chairs. Cold drinks will be provided. In case of rain, the service and picnic will be held in the church's Backhaus Fellowship Hall.

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