MARS — Storyteller Alan Irvine will weave a web of bug stories at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Mars Public Library, 107 Grand Ave.
Call 724-625-9048 to register. The program is appropriate for ages 5 and up.
GROVE CITY — Class of 1968 graduates from Wolf Creek Township Schools (Gordon, Patterson and Montgomery) will meet for their 40th annual reunion at 5 p.m. July 13 at the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church picnic pavilion on Scrubgrass Road in Grove City.Participants are asked to take food to share, table setting and pictures. Coffee and cold drinks will be provided.For more information call 814-786-7047.
Nixon Preschool, 334 Airport Road, will hold a summer open house from 1 to 3 p.m. July 12. Fall registration is being accepted for all classes.Call 724-586-7372 for more information.
Fixed Gear, a seasonal community bicycle collective, will meet from 4 to 6 p.m. on Mondays from now through October in the parking lot of First United Methodist Church, 200 E. North St.The workshop is open to those who want to repair a bicycle or would like to learn about bicycle repair and maintenance.Donations are accepted to defray the cost of parts.
The Butler County American Legion Riders will hold a Bikers for Vets motorcycle ride July 19 through 20. Riders may register from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at the front entrance of the Butler Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 325 New Castle Road.Riders will leave at 11:15 a.m. and will finish at the Lyndora American Legion Picnic Grove, where prizes, a Chinese auction, games, food and music will be available.Riders are asked to wear red, white and blue.Donations from riders and passengers will benefit Butler County veterans.
The Butler County Historical Society will host a bus trip July 31 to Pittsburgh.Stops will include the "Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition" at the Carnegie Science Center and Clayton, the estate of Henry Clay Frick at the Frick Art and Historical Center.The tour will depart at 8:30 a.m. from Butler Motor Transit, 210 S. Monroe St.The bus will return to Butler at about 6 p.m.Reservations must be made by July 25 at the historical society office in the Lowrie/Shaw House, 123 W. Diamond St., or by calling 724-283-8116.
BUTLER TWP — The Butler High School class of 1966 is planning a picnic for classmates, family and friends to celebrate 60th birthdays.The picnic will be from 2 to 10:30 p.m. Aug. 30 at Butler Township Park on Duffy Road.Contact Paula Chaney at chaney@zoominternet.net or call 724-282-8085 no later than Aug. 1 to register.