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Interest up in making homes senior friendly

For many people as they age, parting with a cherished home can seem unthinkable, even when steep stairs and slippery bathtubs become causes for real concern.

One alternative — remodeling to make the home safer and more efficient for older residents — is increasingly popular.

"The last 15 years we've been seeing a surge in interest toward this area, especially with baby boomers now reaching that point," said Ellen Barrios, a new kind of expert called a "certified aging-in-place specialist."

"CAPS," as they are known, include many contractors and architects who work with families to assess risks in the home. The CAPS designation was created several years ago by the National Association of Home Builders and the AARP.

The construction required in making a house more senior friendly can sometimes be drastic, but Barrios said it often is cheaper than moving to assisted living.

"And you get the comfort of being in your own home, the security and the memories and just the peace that comes with staying in your own environment," she said.

Jim Burns of West Chicago, Ill., a professional home inspector and trained CAPS, cites three main areas of concern in a home: "getting into a house, the kitchen, if they can function there, and a primary bath. Everything else you can kind of fudge around. But when you have plumbing and things like that, it's a bigger deal than converting a dining room to a sleeping area."

Burns often relies on the concept of "universal design," which stresses accessibility and convenience for everyone.

Fortunately, many adjustments for seniors also work well for families with children. So this type of remodeling often adds real estate value.

Wider halls and doorways offer space for wheelchairs and strollers alike, while light switches at wheelchair height are also convenient for preschoolers. Florida-based builder Arthur Rutenberg Homes offers these and other features in new homes, and they can be incorporated into older ones.

"One of the things we do is we raise our dishwashers, so they don't have to bend over as far," said Tessa Madasz, vice president of sales at Rutenberg. "Then we have reduced our kitchen islands, so they're not bar height. They're table height."

Other popular options:

n In a utility room, the washer and dryer can be raised to minimize the need to bend. "They're elevated usually on a 12- or 16-inch platform, and some have storage underneath," said Madasz.

• For kitchens, solid cooktop stoves are easier to clean than traditional models. Storage cabinets can be lowered to eliminate the need for stepladders.

• Wood-burning fireplaces can be replaced by gas-powered models, which don't require kneeling down to clean out ashes or add logs.

• Bathrooms can be redone to add a tub that's easier to access (perhaps with hydrotherapy jets) or a shower that homeowners can walk into without stepping up.

• If the house has no main-floor bedroom, a dining area or TV room can be converted into one. Ground-floor master bedrooms were unpopular a decade ago, said Burns, but today they've become a selling point. In data released this week by the National Association of Realtors, 56 percent of those surveyed between the ages of 65 and 74 said having a single-floor residence was very important.

• Homeowners may consider installing a medical alert system. Those who don't wish to pay a monthly monitoring fee can choose a system, such as Matrix Interactive's LifeLink, which has no ongoing charge. Emergency calls go to a list of contacts designated by the customer (relatives, friends, 911), rather than to a central monitoring station.

"These features are good for people of all ages and all abilities," said Elinor Ginzler, AARP's director for livable communities. "This is not about turning your house into a hospital."

Few young couples think of designing their home to suit them as they age, Burns said. But he and Barrios both work with younger families who are modifying their homes to accommodate visits from older relatives or the possibility of an aging parent moving in.

"They may say, 'Well, we know mom may have only a couple more years that she's on her own, and we're first in line to have her with us,"' said Barrios, who also runs a business called Accessible for Life, which offers products for senior-izing homes.

Based on AARP's research, such consultants can expect to find plenty of clients.

"Without question, people want to stay in their homes as they get older," said Ginzler. "Every time we ask in a survey of the 50-plus population, they tell us exactly the same information, which is that a huge majority want to stay in the home they have for as long as they can."

Census data from the past two decades backs that up, she said. "Looking at migration trends," she said, "less than 10 percent of the 60-plus population had moved in any five-year period."

For some seniors, the first priority is remaining connected to their community.

"That's where their support system is," said Ginzler. "The big question becomes, 'As I stay in this house, is it meeting my needs?"'

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