DEATHS January 26, 2010 Last Updated: January 27, 2010 12:57 PM Death Notice John "Jack" Melvin Barnes, ButlerMarietta M. Scarpitti Bowman, formerly of ButlerDavid Patrick Duncan, East ButlerMegan L. O'Shea Durst, Cranberry TownshipClarence F. Ebner, MarsDr. Jonathan J. Fyock, formerly of Evans CityJohn E. Gulevich Jr., ButlerLouise Hufnagel, HarmonyHelen R. Oesterling, ButlerRae Lynn Piroth, Cranberry TownshipGregory C. "Jack" Reott, East ButlerAnna Rottman Snyder, 90, of East BradyHerman D. Wissinger, formerly of Cabot Continue Reading with One of the Options Below Already a subscriber? Sign in Here Become a Butler Eagle Subscriber Today Subscribe to read the full article and support our local, independent news organization. Subscribe Here You can cancel any time. Share this article: Order Photo Reprints: More in Death Notice Karl Rottman Jr. Frances Huselton Joan Barger Mary Crowe Major Irene Thibault Dorothy Callihan