Now what?
Voters across the country roared their discontent about the economy and the policies of President Obama, giving Republicans firm control of the U.S. House. Goodbye, Speaker Pelosi. Good Morning, Speaker Boehner.
Now Republicans have monumental heavy lifting to do. How does the Party of No become the Party of Getting Something Done? How to manage unruly tea-party members?
With the GOP in control of the House, but not the Senate, Republicans have partial control — and responsibility — for the government. On financial reform, they would be foolish to spend months trying to repeal the only sensible steps taken regarding out-of-control financial institutions.
Remember, voters are not so enamored of Republicans. They are dissatisfied with Democrats.
Work on immigration reform — even altering or recalling health-care reform — requires a plan and its execution. That means Republicans and Democrats working in a divided Congress must share credit — and blame. In a matter of months, the Republican-controlled House will own its role in boosting the economy or lollygagging while it sputters.
Voters have said repeatedly they dislike D.C.'s harsh partisanship. The new Republican-dominated House and Democratic-controlled Senate have to find new ways to work together. Obama has a veto pen and will not allow Congress to eviscerate his major achievements.
It is one thing for Republicans to talk about spending less. The deficit is so big, budget cutters have to do a whole bunch of things. Republicans are wrong to think they can save money without getting out of two wars.
Challenges facing this country are huge. Soon, Republicans who won hard-fought House races will see the election as the easy part.