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FRANKLIN TWP — Here are some of the first place winners at the Big Butler Fair, which closed Saturday.

Jennifer Oakes, Cochranton, hen, Leghorn, white rose comb; cockerel, Leghorn, white rose comb; pullet, Leghorn, white rose comb; hen, Wyandotte, black; cockerel, Wyandotte, black; pullet, Wyandotte, black; hen, Wyandotte, white; cockerel, Wyandotte, white; pullet, Wyandotte, white

Tom Morgan, Kittanning, hen, Rosecomb, malted

Jeremy Tickle, Saltsburg, hen, Wyandotte, partridge; cockerel, Wyandotte, partridge; pullet, Wyandotte, partridge

Nicole Morgan, Kittanning, hen, Ameraucana, blue wheaten

Mandi Morgan, Kittanning, hen, Ameraucana, silver; hen, Silkie, bearded (white); hen, lavender guinea fowl

Brian Hile, Indiana, hen, Cornish, white; cockerel, Cornish, white; pullet, Cornish, white; hen, Cubulaya, black; pullet, Cubulaya, black; pullet, Booted, bearded (mille flour); hen, Booted, non-bearded (porcelain); pullet, non-bearded (porcelain); hen, Brahma, buff; hen, Langshan, white; he, bearded buff, grey

Jeremy Tickle, Salstburg, hen Ameraucana, white; cockerel, Ameraucana, white; hen, araucana, white; cockerel, araucana, white; pullet, araucana, white; hen, Cornish, white laced red; pullet, Cornish, white laced red; hen, La Fleche, black; cockerel, La Fleche, black; pullet, La Fleche, black; hen, Polish, bearded (buff laced); cockerel, Polish, bearded (buff lace); pullet, Polish, (buff laced), hen, Polish, bearded (silver); cockerel, Polish, bearded (silver); pullet, Polish, bearded (silver); hen, Booted, bearded (porcelain); hen, Brama, dark; cockerel, Brama, dark; pullet, brama, dark; hen, Brama, light; hen, Cochin, Columbian; cockerel, Cochin, Columbian; pullet, Cochin, Columbian; hen, Silkie, bearded (black); pullet, Silkie, bearded, white; hen, bearded buff, partridge

Nicole Morgan, Kittanning, hen, Cochin, barred; hen, Cochin, golden laced

Deborah Morgan, Kittanning, hen, cochin, black

Rich Morgan, Kittanning, hen, Cochin, buff

Jim Austin, Kittanning, hen, bearded buff

Stephanie Bieber, Prospect, cockerel, bearded buff.

Jennifer Oaks, Cochranton, hen, pearl guinea fowl; cockerel, pearl guinea fowl; pullet, pearl guinea fowl; hen, buff durndotte guinea fowl; cockerel, buff durndotte guinea fowl; pullet, buff durdotte guinea fowl

Angela Kelley, Evans City, young tom, broad breasted bronze turkey

Adam Drake, Slippery Rock, farm city poster contest, senior high school

Paul Drake, Slippery Rock, farm city poster contest, junior high school

Lauren Nagg, Butler, farm city poster contest, grades 5 and 6

Benjamin Drake, Slippery Rock, farm city poster contest, grades 3 and 4

Hannah McCall, Prospect, farm city poster contest, grades 1 and 2

Chloe McCall, Prospect, farm city poster contest, kindergarten and preschool

Benjamin Drake, Slippery Rock, market sheep, light weight, light; exhibitors 10 and 11

Ashley Brehm, West Sunbury, market sheep, light weight, medium

Nicholas Sorg, Saxonburg, market sheep, light weight, heavy

Brooklyn Peters, Connoquenessing, market sheep, medium weight, light

Juliana DiPippa, Renfrew, market sheep, medium weight, medium

Paul Drake, Slippery Rock, market sheep, medium weight, heavy; market sheep, heavy weight, medium; exhibitors 14 and 15

Michele DiPippa, Renfrew, market sheep, heavy weight, light

Sarah Laughlin, Butler, market sheep, heavy weight, heavy

Aaron Drake, Slippery Rock, pair of market lambs, light

Hannah Govan, Valencia, pair of market lambs, medium

Rachel Laughlin, Butler, pair of market lambs, heavy

Laura Beth Metrick, Butler, exhibitors 16 to 18 for 4H and 15 to 21 for FFA

Jacob J. Kennedy, Valencia, exhibitors 12 and 13

Elana DiPippa, Renfrew, exhibitors 8 and 9

Kara Seevers, McDonald, creative holiday (not Christmas), Easter

Diana Wesling, McDonald, creative holiday (not Christmas), Halloween; miscellaneous creations, ornamental; stuffed animals

Debra Frost, Turtle Creek, dolls creative or traditional

Betty Jane Reno, Valencia, handwoven pieces (any type), including looms

Candice Buzard, Butler, jewelry

Marianne Hill, Sarver, miscellaneous creations, useful; black and white photography, animals; black and white photography, people; color, people

Amanda Dillaman, Slippery Rock, painting on everyday objects (acryllic paint), slate; acrylic, scenic

Cindy Schneider, Butler, painting on everyday objects (oil paint), slate

Kathy Kniess, Butler, stamping, cards

Tina Kramer, Butler, acrylic, fruit or floral

Lauren McKenzie, Butler, acrylic, people or animals

Brittany Foertsch, charcoal

Leesha Brugere, Renfrew, pen and ink, black and white; pencil, lead; scenic watercolor original

Erin Grigorovich, Connoqnenessing, pencil, colored

Rhonda Maloney, Cranberry Township, black and white photography, flowers

Maura Atkinson, Pittsburgh, color, animals

Erin Turner, Renfrew, color, flowers

Barbara Fair, Butler, old treasures, 10 to 30 years old

Betty Jean Reno, Valencia, creative Christmas ornaments-set of three-plastic canvass

Kara Seevers, McDonald, creative Christmas ornaments-set of three-other

Aaron Drake, Slippery Rock, quick breads — muffins, two, any type

Benjamin Drake, Slippery Rock, yeast breads, yeast rolls, four

Julie Worst, Butler, yeast breads, loaf or round of yeast bread, one

Shannon Mitchell, Sarver, sew much fun-beginner-pants, shorts, skirt; sew much more-beginner-travel, bed, sewing caddy

Dana McCurdy, Butler, separates-advanced-dress or two-piece dress

Shirlann Harmon, Evans City, communication and expressive arts, unit 1 adventure

Peter W. McGlashan, Evans City, communication & expressive arts-sketchbook cross-stitch; communication and expressive arts-scrapbooking 2; science and technology-computers

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