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Under Control

Emily Rekich plays with her kids Mason, 2, and Aubrie at her home in Jefferson Twp.
Jefferson Township mother says follow your instincts

Having a newborn and a toddler under one roof sounds like a handful, but Emily Rekich has it all under control.

Rekich, 27, and her husband, Ryan, of Jefferson Township are new parents for the second time, welcoming daughter Aubrie on March 29.

They were excited to meet their daughter, and so was her big brother, Mason, who will turn 2 years old this month.

Rekich says her son is a great big brother to his sister and is always trying to help out.

“He wants to help change her diaper and give her binky even when she doesn't want it,” she said.

Rekich noticed that her second pregnancy was different from the once she experienced with her son.

“This one was a lot different,” she said. “I had a lot more morning sickness.”

Another difference was what she was craving. Rekich cannot remember having any cravings while she was pregnant with Aubrie.

“With my son I craved Sour Patch Kids,” she said.

When it comes to being a mother, Rekich says the biggest aspect is time management. There is a lot to juggle between work, family and finding time with your spouse.

“It is very important to find time with your husband,” she said.

Being a mother can be overwhelming, but Rekich said it is important to go with your instincts.

“Trust your mommy instincts. Everyone will try to give you advice on what to do, but it is ultimately your decision,” she said.

Being a mother has been a great experience for Rekich.“I really love it all, watching them grow and learn,” she said.Rekich is enjoying time off with her children before she goes back to work at the end of May.Rekich worked full time as a nurse at Butler Memorial Hospital after the birth of her son, but now that she has two children to take care of she has decided to work part time so she can spend more time with her children.She says when she goes back to work, either her or her husband will be able to stay with the children. When their schedules do not work out, there will be backup found with grandmother and great-grandmother.Reflecting on motherhood, Rekich said, “It is an indescribable feeling when you see your baby for the first time, unconditional love.”

Emily Rekich plays with her children, Mason, and newborn Aubrie at her home in Jefferson Township. Aubrie was born on March 29.

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