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Never too old for the hunt

At 95 years old, Bob McCarl of Boyers shot this nice 8 point from his trees stand with a crossbow.

BOYERS — Bob McCarl called his shot — four years ago.

And he was 91 when he did so.

Now 95, McCarl recently bagged an 8-point buck with a crossbow from a tree-stand in Boyers.

“He got a deer when he was 90, another one at age 91,” his son, Ron, said. “When he was 91, he told my sister he’d be getting a buck when he was 95.”

Ron McCarl, 57, of Boyers said he’s been hunting with his father “since I was old enough to walk.” Bob McCarl has been a hunter for nearly 80 years.

“I used to do gun season, but it got too hard for me to carry the gun ... maybe about 10 years ago,” the elder McCarl said. “I just do crossbow now. My son goes into the woods with me to help me out.”

He needed no help in shooting this 8-point, however.

McCarl made the 15-feet climb into the tree-stand, spotted the buck and needed just one shot to drop it from 25 yards away.

“I wasn’t up there very long,” he said. “Maybe 15 minutes or so, then the buck came along.”

McCarl doesn’t hunt in the morning anymore and he can’t handle the cold weather in the woods. But on a pleasant afternoon during bow season, he still has at it.

“Dad’s in amazing shape for his age,” Ron McCarl said. “It’s impressive watching him climb that tree-stand.

“I’m fortunate to still have my father around at all, let alone still being able to go hunting with him. I’m more excited watching him get a deer than I am when I get one.”

His father is unselfish that way as well. Bob McCarl admitted to passing up a chance to bag a deer last year so his great-grandson, 16-year-old Trevor Scherch of Harrisburg, could take the shot.

“Dad still has a passion for hunting, that’s for sure,” Ron McCarl said. “I know I developed my passion for the sport through him.”

Ron has gone big-game hunting in Alaska on multiple occasions. He’s bagged moose, elk, grizzly bears, caribou, mountain goats and antelopes through the years.

He’s got plenty of trophies mounted in his home. Bob McCarl has a 9-point buck mounted in the home as well.

“That’s the biggest one I’ve ever gotten,” Bob said proudly. “But I’ve gotten my share of deer, believe me.”

He may not be done yet.

“Four years ago, when Dad said he’d get this deer at 95, he also said that’d be his last one, that he would give it up,” Ron said. “But that was then. This is now.

“I don’t think he’s done.”

Maybe McCarl will bag a deer at age 100.

“He’s still in good shape. Who knows?,” Ron said, laughing. “I only hope I’m still around to see it.”

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