David Rockefeller to mark birthday with land gift
PORTLAND, Maine — The oldest member of the Rockefeller family is giving a gift as part of his 100th birthday celebration: 1,000 acres including streams, trails and carriage roads abutting Acadia National Park.
David Rockefeller, the retired CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank and grandson of oil tycoon John Rockefeller Sr., is transferring family property at Little Long Pond in Seal Harbor to the Mount Desert Island & Garden Preserve, describing it as a “gift to all the people of Maine.”
“This magnificent state and its wonderful residents have been such an integral part of my family’s history. It is my hope that the public should forever benefit from this beloved tract of land,” Rockefeller said in a statement.
The 99-year-old Rockefeller, who turns 100 on June 12, will be joined by his daughter Neva Rockefeller Goodwin and son David Rockefeller Jr., at a formal announcement today.