The Mercer Livestock Auction provided the following report on Tuesday’s livestock auction.
Heavy commercial bulls, super heavy weight, to $138. and heavy weight, 135. to 148.; commercial cows, core sales, 105. to 129.; fed colored steers, high choice, 155. to 158., choice, 150. to 154., selects 142. to 148. and choice steer top pen average (8 head,) 151.94; fed colored heifers, low choice, 145. to 148.50; fed Holsteins, select core sales, to 125.; feeder steers, 600 to 700 lbs., to 237. and 450 to 550 lbs., to 230.; feeder heifers, 500 to 750 lbs., to 250. and 400 to 500 lbs., to 225.; feeder bulls, 500 to 650 lbs., to 250.; brood cows, to 1,850.; cow and calf pairs, to 1,900.; and calves, core sales, 490. to 560.
The 2 on Tuesday Special sale will be at noon Tuesday.