Rosebud idles mines
By Associated Press
----:KITTANNING — Rosebud Mining is idling most of its Pennsylvania coal mines, putting 429 miners temporarily out of work.
---- Jim Barker, vice president of the Kittanning-based company said he hopes the workers will be called back in February.
---- In the Butler County area, Rosebud operates the Long Run mine in western Armstrong County, the Logansport mine in southwestern Armstrong County and the Beaver Valley mine in Beaver County.
---- Barker blames the temporary shutdown on unseasonably warm weather in November and December, which decreased demand for coal at power plants it supplies.
---- Also low natural gas prices prompt utilities to burn more gas when available than coal.
---- Rosebud operates 20 underground Pennsylvania coal mines, and only a few are staying open for maintenance projects during the furlough.
---- Barker says the mines have to cut production until cold weather increases the demand for coal.
---- In October it had 1,180 total workers in several states.
---- Rosebud is the third largest coal producer in the state.