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State pay to rise

Union workers close to contract

HARRISBURG — Members of the largest union in state government were close to approving a new contract Tuesday that would raise pay by 7.25 percent over three years and increase their contributions toward health insurance.

Dave Fillman, executive director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 13, said its 183 locals have nearly finished voting.

“I can report it’s being approved by an overwhelming margin,” Fillman said.

AFSCME represents about 30,000 union workers under the governor’s jurisdiction. A tentative deal with the Service Employees International Union is expected to be voted next month, while talks continue with about a dozen other state workers’ unions for which contracts expired June 30.

The AFSCME contract would require employees in the state’s wellness plan to contribute 2.5 percent of their salary toward health coverage by July 2018. The current contribution is 2 percent. Those not in the wellness plan pay more.

It calls for employee pay to increase by 2.75 percent at the end of next month, 2 percent next July and 2.5 percent in July 2018. There are also longevity, or “step” increases for eligible workers at the start of 2018 and 2019.

The state also is changing its health plan regarding deductibles and copays.

Dan Egan with the Office of Administration said the new deductible for certain in-network services under the state’s managed care plans represents a major change. Slightly higher copays would apply to most medical services and prescription drug costs.

The Retired Employees Health Program, which covers more than 100,000 retirees and dependents, requires most new retirees to contribute 3 percent of their final annual salary.

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