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'Kiss the Pig' raises bacon

High school teacher Mark Wyant prepares Tuesday to kiss Onyx, a nearly 2-year-old black miniature pig, for the “Kiss the Pig” fundraiser at Freeport Area Athletic Stadium.

BUFFALO TWP — Cow patty bingo works. Why can't kissing a pig?

Such were the thoughts of Denise Hanby, vice president of the Freeport High School Boys Soccer Boosters, in trying to come up with a unique fundraiser for the program.

“FASA (Freeport Area Soccer Association) uses a cow to raise money, so I figured we could use another animal,” Hanby said. “We wanted to come up with something different, a fun way to raise money for the team.”

They knew they had the pig. Onyx, a black miniature pig, will turn 2 in November and is the pet of Payton Patterson, the girlfriend of Freeport boys soccer booster president Amy Change's nephew.

Now they needed someone to kiss it. Freeport High School principal Mike Kleckner, middle school principal Don Dell and popular high school teacher Mark Wyant put their best lips forward.

The boosters set up three jars — one of the contestant's faces on each — for donations at the concession stand during games and at various other places in the community. The contestant's jar containing the most money at the end of Tuesday's home soccer game against Valley got to pucker up after the game.

“We actually started this at a car wash in early August,” Hanby said. “Most of the contributions have come from the students.”

Students had different reasons for choosing where to target their donations. One put money in Dell's jar “because he made me do push-ups in gym class.”

One went Kleckner's way because “we have no air conditioning.” Wyant ultimately won because “he rocks” and “he's the best,” some students said.“I didn't think I had a chance,” said Wyant, who gave Onyx a quick peck on the snout at the 50-yard line while surrounded by the team. “I mean, the principals dish out all the discipline.“I only did this because the pig is a liberal. I want that printed.”The Kiss the Pig fundraiser generated $438 for the boys soccer program.“It's good to help the kids,” Dell said. “But I've never heard of a fundraiser like this. I guess it's OK as long as the pig doesn't mind. I brought along a breath mint just in case.”Kleckner said he went along with the fundraiser “because it's a unique idea and it supports one of our programs. I'll help any way I can.”Hanby emphasized that “all three of these guys have been tremendous sports about this.”And all three will be off the hook next year. The Kiss the Pig fundraiser will return, but with three new contestants.“That's the best news of the day,” Wyant said, smiling.Change said Kiss the Pig will become an annual event.“Onyx can do this for the next 20 years or so,” Patterson said. “If they're willing, so is he.”

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