The Mercer Livestock Auction provided the following report from Tuesday:
Heavy commercial bulls, super heavy, to $70., heavy weight, to 78., and medium weight, to 80.; commercial cows, high grades, 59.50 to 63.75, core sales, 52.50 to 59., and lower grades, 45. to 51.; fed-colored cattle, high choice, 117. to 119.50, choice, 110. to 116.50, selects, 100. to 109., and the top fed pen average selling price was 119.18; fed Holsteins, selects, to 75.; feeder cattle, higher grades, 95.50 to 111., average grades, 85. to 95., and lower grades, 75. to 84.; and calves, core sales, 75. to 87.50.
No special auctions have been announced.