Battle Ready
BUFFALO TWP — For Toni Brooks of Buffalo Township, she's hoping the third time is even more of a charm. She is working on fine-tuning the Jan. 25 Battle Ready Women's Conference at the Natrona Heights Presbyterian Church.
This is the third year she's been organizing this event for area women. The project was spearheaded by Brooks and the late Diane Stevenson Edinger.
“There was a group of women from our church at a women's conference. Toward the end, there was a time of prayer and worship that included listening to God about what he might be calling us to that we might fear responding to,” explained Brooks.
Edinger, who had been a group leader and teacher to the ladies of the church, knew God was calling her to start a women's conference and asked if Brooks would help. “I said, 'Sure we can because if God wanted us to do it, how could we fail?'” said Brooks.
By the time they left the conference, they had selected a time, date and theme for their own conference.
“Went to church on Sunday and talked to a couple other women. When we told them 'Truth' was the topic idea; we got clear confirmation as other women were also being drawn to that idea,” Brooks said.
The first year the conference drew about 25 women to the small church. The second year the theme was 'Joy' and attendance doubled but that would be Edinger's last year.
“Diane spoke at the first two conferences and at the second, she shared that her cancer had come back and had spread. She died in April of last year. We are dedicating this conference to her,” said Brooks.
This year's topic is Battle Ready.
“We all have battles in our lives. We will be sharing our battles and how God prepared us for them and brought us through,” said Brooks.
Rachelle Savannah Haberberger, also of Buffalo Township, will be attending the conference for the third year in a row.
“I've learned everyone has a story. No matter what you are going through in life, you do not have to go through it alone,” said Haberberger.
“Leaning into God and on fellow Christians for support can help anyone find joy in the midst of dark and painful circumstances,” she said.
Haberberger feels the time and entrance fee are more than a worthwhile investment.
“I used to attend Women of Faith events in large Pittsburgh venues over the course of two days and at greater cost. This is a smaller, more relaxed group of women with the same goals as these larger events,” she said.
The conference is for women of all ages. Haberberger attends with her mother and encourages women to bring other women.
Haberberger is very clear that if women have to come alone or are troubled by the fee to come nevertheless.
“This conference is local and inexpensive in a relaxed, informal setting. If the cost is an issue, come anyway and we will work it out,” she said. “ If you are nervous about coming because you don't know anyone or don't know if you will feel out of place, come anyway and sit with us.”
Lunch will be provided, so the organizers said it is best to get reservations in by Jan. 24.
Tickets can be purchased on the website by using “This is Us Battle Ready Women's Conference. A $10 check made out to NHPC with Women's Conference can be mailed to the church at 1428 Broadview Blvd. Natrona Heights, Pa. 15065. The church is handicapped accessible.
“We are just ordinary women who are willing to share their stories with others. Our hearts and minds are open to God and whoever will be there. So 'This is Us ...' join us,” said Brooks.
WHAT: “This is Us …” Battle Ready Women's ConferenceWHERE: Natrona Heights Presbyterian Church, 1428 Broadview Blvd. Natrona HeightsWHEN: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 25INFORMATION: Contact Toni Brooks at 724-766-1950