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God is our rock in troubled times

Rev. Ron Schermerhorn

My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. Psalm 62:7

Social distancing. It goes against every fiber of my being.

I am a social person. I've got to have people around me.

This awkward time is just too much for people like me. Going to the store has become traumatic. I think we are all going to need counseling for traumatic stress.

What I wouldn't give to give someone a hug to comfort them. It's rough to try to help people over the phone.

We are careful these days to stay away from crowds.

School is out for the rest of the school year.

Churches, like ours, suspended all activities.

We are afraid to go to the store to buy our supplies. All of this is understandable. These are days when erring on the side of caution is celebrated.

There is nothing wrong with all of this. We all know that this will end, and then we can hug again and shake hands without worrying about catching the virus.

All of this seems to go against all that we believe about fellowship and gathering together. The vision of our church is “GATHERING TOGETHER, GROWING TOGETHER, AND GOING TOGETHER.”

The first part of our vision statement has been a real strain. It's been interesting to try to come up with ways that we can worship together and study the Word together when we are told to stay at home and avoid crowds of any size.

The church deacons have been serving food through the food cupboard. They have been an important part of this community! They are keeping the “GO” of the congregation alive. Praise God for them.

Today, I simply want to let you know that God has you in the palm of His hand.

He is our rock in troubled times. We are protected by Him and His angels.

The Scriptures above show these truths.

God protects us. He is the fortress around us. He sends His angels to “encamp” around you and me.

We will continue the livestreaming on Facebook and have our recorded videos available so we can feel like we are worshipping together.

Practice social distancing and stay at home. Please pay attention to those in the medical field who are leading this campaign against this virus.

I have a tough time not going to barbershop chorus rehearsal, or even singing with my barbershop quartet. I have an extremely tough time not meeting with my church people in worship or in the hospitals or in our homes. It is discouraging, indeed.

This one thing I know. This keeps me going from day to day.

What I am resting in is that God is my defender and my rock.

He will hide me where no enemy can reach me. His angels are surrounding all of us. I know I don't know everything, but I know that for certain.

Rest in God's protection.

The Rev. Ron Schermerhorn is pastor of Mount Chestnut Presbyterian Church.

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