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Are you feeling trapped, abandoned, all alone?

Pastor Robert Hile Jr.

Greetings again, I pray you are finding blessing and favor as you walk in the peace of knowing God and Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

The thought I want to share with you today is based on an account we read about in 2 Kings chapter 6 of the word of God.

The prophet Elisha was being pursued by the King of Aram, and Elisha's servant awakes one morning to find that the King's army has surrounded the city where he and Elisha were staying.

Panic stricken and afraid, the servant wakes Elisha and tells him (his version) of the bad news, that they are trapped, abandoned, and all alone with no way out.

I wonder today how many of us have experienced that same feeling of abandonment with seemingly no way out of what appeared to be overwhelming odds in an impossible situation.

Have I painted a clear picture, have I found some of you where you are living right this minute? As you ask the same question that Elisha's servant did, “Oh no, what do we do now?” 2 Kings 6:15

The words of the prophet to his servant were simple, “don't be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

At that point I'm sure the servant looked around and thought “excuse me, in case you haven't noticed we're all alone here.”

There is no doubt in my mind that most of us have experienced similar feelings at some point in our life, especially given the current circumstances the world is facing with stay home orders and social distancing.

Don't despair, just as the prophet prayed for the servant's eyes to be opened that he too might see God had also dispatched an army and they indeed were surrounded by God's “horses and chariots of fire.” 2 Kings 6:17

The good news for us that we find in this account of God's provision and deliverance is that we too have a promise from God that He would be with us ALWAYS! Matthew 28:20

So allow me to offer some encouragement to you today as I echo the words of the prophet, “don't be afraid, if God be for us, who can be against us?”Romans 8:31

If you feel like your circumstances are closing in and you are trapped and all alone, I pray today that God would open your spiritual eyes. The enemy indeed wants you to feel like you're surrounded with no way out, but I encourage you to look up to God in prayer and see you are indeed surrounded. You're surrounded by God.

May God bless you and give you peace, and may you walk each day in the strength of His Holy Spirit. Amen

Robert Hile Jr. is pastor of Family Life Ministries. His video sermons are available on “” or on YouTube channel “butlercogop.”

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