Wolf recommends postponing school sports until 2021
Gov. Tom Wolf called a false start.
At the end of his press conference Thursday, Wolf recommended schools postpone fall sports until 2021, sending the PIAA, the state's athletic governing body, into a frenzy and leaving schools wondering what will happen next.
The PIAA has called an emergency meeting for 2:30 p.m. Thursday. It will be conducted in executive session and is closed to the public. A statement will be released following the meeting, said PIAA executive director Bob Lombardi.
Contingency plans are already being made.
Garry Cathell, executive director of the Pennsylvania High School Football Coaches, released a statement shortly after Wolf's press conference that the organization is looking into the possibility of playing the football season in the spring.
"If all sports are canceled, the PSFCA will immediately begin conversation to have spring football," said Cathell, who is the former football coach at Butler High School.
Cathell took umbrage with the suddenness of Wolf's announcement.
"This move was done without giving Dr. Lombardi and the PIAA any prior notice," Cathell said. "I have spoken with Dr. Lombardi and he is in the process of meeting with Gov. Wolf and staff on this matter."
Read the governor's official announcement here: https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/wolf-administration-provides-recommendation-for-school-and-recreational-youth-sports/