EC library plans trivia, guest speakers
EVANS CITY — The Evans City Library, 204 S. Jackson St., wants to help you shake off the midwinter doldrums with a slate of activities and visits.
The activities vary from trivia nights to an author book signing and a guest speaker.
The slate of events serves two purposes, according to Curt Friehs, library director: to raise money for the library and to rebrand the library as more than a place to check out books.
Friehs said the library will host a 1980s pop culture trivia night beginning at 6:30 p.m. Friday. The event costs $10 for individuals and $30 for a team of up to four players battling to prove their knowledge of all things ’80s and win bragging rights. Snacks will be provided, and participants are to take their own beverages.
Individuals can register at or by calling 724-538-8695.
Beginning at noon Jan. 22, Evans City resident Kevin Lenz discuss his book, “Diana’s Miracles.”
Following the death of his 18-year-old daughter Diana in a car accident in 1999, Lenz kept track of the many signs he believed was his daughter reaching out from “the other side,” eventually turning his record into a book.
He will talk about his experiences and have copies of the book on hand for purchase and signings.
Friehs said Lenz is the first author the library has had since Friehs became director in December.
“We hope to have more authors,” he said.
Friehs said trivia night returns Feb. 4 with a romance theme.
Colleen Bather, a physical therapist with a specialist in pelvic floor therapy, will discuss the condition at noon Feb. 12.
“That’s a new one for me. I haven’t heard of this before,” Friehs said. “It’s a condition that affects one in three women and one in six men.”
The conditions, often brought on by pregnancy or prostate problems, can result in incontinence or problems in elimination.
Pelvic floor physical therapy is a treatment approach that uses the principles of physical therapy to provide a reconditioning of pelvic floor muscles.
The events are to encourage the public to look to the library for more than books.
“We’re trying to get the library to be more of a community resource, a hub for the community,” Friehs said. “We want to be a place where people go not just to check out books, but to socialize and meet others in the community.”