Heat wave, storms in county this week
Nina Walker and Katia Walker stand under the dump bucket at the Cranberry Township Community Waterpark at North Boundary Park on Tuesday. Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle
Summer weather is hovering over the county in the form of humidity, sunshine and heat, according to a forecast from the National Weather Service in Pittsburgh.
Wednesday’s temperatures are expected to be close to 86 degrees, a 60% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. Those conditions carry into Thursday with showers and thunderstorms likely after 5 p.m.
Temperatures aren’t expected to drop much Thursday, with a high of 72. That leaves Friday through Sunday with sunny skies and temperatures reaching almost 80 degrees.
The conditions are ideal to take a swim in one of the public pools through out the county, including the Cranberry Township Community Waterpark in North Boundary Park.
Joe Dann, of Cranberry Township, helps Emma Dann, 4, swim out of the pool after going down the water slide at the Cranberry Township Community Waterpark at North Boundary Park on Tuesday. Joseph Ressler/Butler Eagle