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Scout News

Bryan Broad

CONNOQUENESSING – Bryan Broad, 18, of Evans City, has earned his Eagle Scout, the highest rank advancement award presented in the Boy Scouts of America. A member of Troop 482 chartered by the Connoquenessing Volunteer Fire Company, Broad is one of only six percent of all Scouts who attain the rank of Eagle Scout, according to Troop 482’s Scoutmaster Rob Deemer.

Deemer said, “Over the past eight years, through diligent volunteers and active programming, Troop 482 has smashed that national average with over 50% of its eligible Scouts earning that celebrated rank.”

To earn that rank, a Scout must work through seven different ranks and 21 merit badges, as well as demonstrate leadership, a good attitude and a strong bent towards community service. That focus on service culminates as each Eagle Scout candidate successfully plans and executes an Eagle Scout Service Project.

Broad’s community service project benefited the Connoquenessing Borough Park by completely refurbishing its playground equipment. Broad organized a team of volunteers to dismantle the equipment, clean, wash and sand each component separately and then repaint each piece before reassembly. He finished the project by spreading a thick layer of mulch under the entire area.

“I chose this project because our troop meets regularly at the “Conno” Park. When I saw the dirty and rusty state that the playground was in, I was concerned that a child or someone might get hurt,” said Broad. “I wanted to make that playground shiny and new so local kids could enjoy it safely. Now the play set is sleek and new-looking ... something that a younger me would've loved to have spent hours playing on!”

Broad received his award at an Eagle Court of Honor June 26, at the Connoquenessing Volunteer Fire Company. He graduated from Seneca Valley High School in June and is the son of Mary Ann Broad, and late Robert “Bud” Broad. Later this month, Broad will be joining the U.S. Marine Corps.

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