Saeler-Solkovy Memorial Ride commemorates 15th, and final, year
PETROLIA — The sound of community was audible in the rumble of wheels as upward of 200 motorcycists revved their engines and rode out in procession from the Beer Garden in Petrolia for the Saeler-Solkovy Memorial Ride on Saturday morning.
The riders have met on the third Saturday in August for the past 15 years to honor deceased family members and friends of local motorcycle enthusiasts, notably the late Steve Saeler, Jessica Saeler and John Solkovy. This year’s ride was in special memory of Steve’s brother, Kenneth Saeler, who died in November.
The group travels along an 136-mile route that reaches into Mercer County, stopping at The Garage, Hunter’s Inn, Purple Goose and Otto’s Tavern bars along the way.
For organizers Daniel Saeler and Shari Saeler-Vinroe, the ride was the closing of a chapter. This year’s ride will be the last, or at least the last ride to collect money from registrations.
Daniel Saeler still plans to hold a ride next year, but does not plan to collect the $25 rider fee and $15 passenger fee from participants. Funds raised through a commemorative T-shirt still will be donated to a local charity, he said.
“We are not charging any registration fees – it's just a last hurrah,” Saeler-Vinroe said. “A lot of people do say this is one of the best rides they have ever been on, because we are so organized, and our blockers make a lot of things really safe.”
Over the course of the past 15 years, the ride has donated close to $400,000 to families and local charities. The original ride raised funds to cover the funeral costs for Steve Saeler. The following year’s ride was held in honor of the Saelers’ friend, John Solkovy, who died that December, and funds were donated to the art department at Butler High School.
This year’s ride will donate its proceeds, along with funds from raffles and community bike nights that have taken place all summer, to the Jean B. Purvis Community Health Center, which offers medical, dental, vision and behavioral health care to those who are uninsured or underinsured.
“I just looked at nonprofits, and I looked to see what they did, and I just thought, this looks like a great organization to have it for,” Saeler-Vinroe said.
Last year, the ride donated more than $20,000 to the Children’s Advocacy Center of Butler. The event is somewhat of a reunion for bikers in the area, Saeler-Vinroe said. Riders from as far away as Pittsburgh participate and help raise funds.
“It’s one big family,” Saeler said. “One person can’t do very much, but many people can do a lot, and add one dollar at a time.”
Before getting the ride on the road, both Daniel Saeler and Shari Saeler-Vinroe emphasized safety to the whole group. Blockers, or motorcyclists who ride in the front or back of the group and help prevent cars from interrupting or getting too close to the bikers, are an important part of the ride.
“When we get to an intersection that needs blocked, Shari will hold up how many fingers of how many blockers we need, and point either way,” said blocker Chris Schoeffel, who has participated in the ride since its inception. “Those blockers go around her, block, and then we just pull in to the back of the pack. We stop the traffic in all directions so we can continue.”
Closing out the ride is an emotional moment for the Saelers, especially in commemorating their relatives. Motorcycles run in the family, Saeler-Vinroe said. All but one of her eight brothers have ridden motorcycles at some point in their lives. The family and their children have run the event for the past 15 years.
For Daniel Saeler, the event is a lot of work. During the last three months, he said, he has been preparing for the ride every day.
“There’s a beginning of a story, and there’s an end of a story,” Saeler said. “I feel very proud. It still gets you inside.”
After saying a prayer with the group and announcing the end of the ride, Saeler addressed the gathered bikers.
“It’s been a good ride, and we’ve helped a lot of people,” Saeler said. “You guys all helped a lot of people.”