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Support military, veterans

Among those to remember during the holiday season are military veterans and the people who serve our country.

Butler VA

The Butler Veterans Administration welcomes donations of all kinds, especially toiletries like shampoo, lotion, body wash, tooth paste, conditioner and shaving products. Money and gift cards for gasoline and groceries can also be donated. Many of these items can also be used by their Homeless Veterans team.

People planning to donate can contact the Voluntary Services department at the VA Butler Healthcare before making a donation to verify what items are acceptable and needed. That number is 878-362-8262, ext. 6960 or 6957.

There are also many other ways to help active military personnel and vZeterans all year.

Donate directly

Groups like the United Service Organization, website, and Support Our Troops, website, have multiple programs for sending gifts and packages to troops and their families throughout the year. Both organizations also accept monetary donations.

The Yellow Ribbon Girls of Ellwood City makes mailing lists of soldiers in need of cards, letters and packages. The group created an Adopt a Soldier program in which people can adopt packages sent to deployed solders at a cost of $50 per package. The items they require the most are batteries, beef jerky, toilet paper, protein bars and powdered drink mix. To help support the troops, the group has created an Amazon Wish List, available on their website, where you can directly purchase needed items for the troops. Visit or its Facebook page.

A nonprofit organization known as the Veterans in Need Fund provides veterans with emergency financial assistance and furniture assistance. To make donations to the fund, you can call 724-284-5352 or 724-679-0297, or visit its website at to learn about other ways to donate.

The VA Butler Healthcare has an Adopt-a-Veteran program that matches veterans in the system with donors who purchase them a complete clothing ensemble and other toiletry items. Marc Conti, recreation therapist, can be reached at 724-477-5081 for information on the program. Gifts are dropped off with Conti and staff at the VA, which delivers them to the veterans.

Give blood

Giving blood helps veterans, as well as military personnel and their families. People wishing to donate blood should contact Vitalant at 877-258-4826. Vitalant has offices at the Butler Health System Crossroad Campus on Oneida Valley Road in Summit Township and in Butler Centre, 20421 Route 19 in Cranberry Township. Donors can also find a blood drive or donation center by contacting the American Red Cross at

Support troops’ families

Deployed troops miss the holidays. The families of active service members feel this too. Ways to show support to these families include handwritten cards, holiday gifts, cookies and community events. Find out more through organizations like Military One Source or the American Red Cross, Southwestern Pennsylvania Chapter, at 724-283-2810.


While active troops need support, veterans also need support. Show your appreciation for people who have served by volunteering at the VA Butler Healthcare or a nursing home.

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