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Letters to Santa

Dear Santa,

I cleaned up today! Thank you for my toys from last year! How does your reindeer fly? I want for Christmas is an artist Barbie, baker Lego set, more legos, camping Barbie and Brooklyn mermaid Barbie. I’ll leave milk and cookies for you!

Payton Olszak, 5

Evans City


Dear Santa,

I’ve been working hard this year and am excited for you to bring toys to my house. I would like a road grader, monster truck and ramps, Lego fire station and police station — I need it!

Peter Olszak, 4

Evans City


Dear Santa,

I have been a pretty good kid this year or at least I tried to be.

Santa I would like to have one or two Lego sets, a snow tube, art supplier, Toni’s trucks, Pokémon cards, Roblox game card, and some new clothes

Thank you Santa for all you do all year for us kids

Jaxson Nyberg, 7

Slippery Rock


Dear Santa,

I’ve been good all year and I want a toy puppy that breaths, a silicone baby avatar, a red clear phone case, a James Charles makeup palette, more cute clothes, more cute shoes, an alarm clock, a miniature go-cart, a toy washing machine, a silicone baby twins, and a purse.

Leanne, 9



Dear Santa,

For Christmas I want a lot of things. Now here is my list: Guitar, the new PS5 controller, X-Box X, black PS5 headset, BB gun, Vbucks, Nerf gun, fidget toys, Harry Potter light up wand, Nintendo switch, Call of Duty gift card, gold chain, magic set, and science kit.


Clayton Shane Barger, 9


Dear Santa,

I’m Adalynn Barger. I want an OMG Doll, an OMG house, a boy Barbie, a girl Barbie, an LOL doll, a baby LOL doll, a camera, slime, and for my family to have the best Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas and have fun!

Adalynn Barger



I want a dinosaur that eats meat, a camera, a watch, a dino that moves, and a Nerf gun. Merry Christmas. You better not cry, you better not shout.


Ryder Barger, 5


Dear Santa,

I was a good girl this year. I would like Soggie Doggie, a unicorn and super hero paw patrol.

Thank you very much.

Oceana, 3

P.S. my cousin Stella wants three front teeth for Christmas.


Dear Santa,

I was a good boy this year. I would like cocomelon toys and a ball.

Thank you very much.

Carter, 2


Dear Santa,

I was a good boy this year. I would like a ball.

Leo, 2


Dear Santa,

You are the best! For Christmas this year, I would like:

Legos, a Minecraft kit, a collectible Jinglebells figure, a robot, a moving Pikachu, and a Santa collectible figure.

I've been doing lots of good things.

Love, Crichton Bly, 6


Dear Santa,

I have been good girl this year and have been listening to Mommy and Daddy. For Christmas this year Maggie wants a big orange tractor with a bucket just like her dad's tractor. My little sister Meredith wants a big rocking horse.

Love, Maggie Bester, 5



Dear Santa,

I only want one thing and one thing only. I want... Bianyo markers! I love the way that it has a box with a color coded page. I LOVE color coded things. It makes me happy. I also love to draw! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy the cookies on Christmas Eve!


Emma Crede, 9

Cranberry Township


Dear Santa,

Can I please have a truck that has a dinosaur with a claw? With a shooter gun. (Jurassic World Capture 'n Crush Truck Vehicle) I've been a good boy this year. My sister, Emma, has been a good girl. Thank you, Santa Claus! Have a Merry Christmas!

Love, Dirk Crede, 5

Cranberry Township


Dear Santa Claus,

I have been good this year. I hope I am on the good list and school is going really great!! Can I get 3 things for Christmas please. 1. a computer please! 2. a real ipod that does not just have music on it please! 3. A pair of prema ballet shoes (points) please!! I hope I get these three things for Christmas! Happy Christmas!

Love, Chloe S.

P.S. How is Mrs. Claus and the elfs?? P.S. Can I have a fitbit watch please!!


Dear Santa

I've been good this year but a little bad but not alot. How is Mrs. Claus & Rudolph? Good or bad (circle). Any way these are the stuff I'm hoping for please...1. A computer. 2. An ipod not just for music a real ipod. 3. A diamond fake fingernails with glue please. 4. A Rainbow High doll but the Blue one. Thats all I want, Bye I love you.

Love, Bella S.

P.S. Can I have pointe shoes please.


Dear Santa,

Mary Christmas Santa!!

I am good. How abowt you? was good this year. pleace this is what I want for Christmas this year

1. Break open 10 Geodes. 2. Moana dressup size 10 or 8 and the neckles and the shine rock. 3. a smart watch. 4. can I have a kinetic sand treasure. pleace. pleace.

Love, Alexa S


santa, I'm sorry for breaking the Harry Potter wand. I have been little good and a little not good. I am sorry for being bad to mama. Santa I hope you have a great day flying in the sky. please can I have a Nerf gun, darth Vader doll, and a Mario. I love you Santa.

Love, Gavin S


Dear Santa,

I have been amazing this year. I hope I get these 3 things for Christmas please. 1. Mini Miny Mouse 2. A small kitchen 3. A small car for babys

Love, Lily

P.S. How is Roudalph doing



Dear Santa,

Thank you for coming last year. I hope you come this year. Is the reindeer good and Mrs Claus? Are you doing good? I hope you have a beautiful world! I love you and your family, Santa.

I would like some toys please. A treasure chest. A glowing Mermaid Barbie. Some makeup. Moana dress. Barbie Princesses please. Tiana and Ariel dress up. A fairy finder. Mario Lego Castle. A big horsey for my dolls. A bounce house. Please look through the magazines I circled too! Thank you.

Love, Aaleya


Dear Santa,

How are you? I turned one this year. I hope you had a good year with your family and reindeer. My sister Aaleya helped circle things I may want for Christmas this year. If you could please bring me some Cocomelon toys, some Mickey toys. Maybe some toys for the pool. Some toys that are not all pink and purple, because most of our toys we have are girly.

Thank you. Dylan


Dear Santa,

Can I please have a pair of long sleeve and pants pj's, a sketch pad with coloring tools, reading lamp, a big pink gem.

From, Addie


Dear Santa,

I’m Zekey, but my real name is Zeke. I was being good this year. My kitty wants a piece of cake, but she made a big mess; she threw up this year. So she doesn’t get cake. Santa I would like presents for Christmas. I want toys and a flashlight so I can go out in the dark. I also want cake. Are you going to bring presents for Isabelle? She just had her first birthday. I don’t really think you need to bring her anything.

Thank you.

Zeke Oesterling, 3

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