Emergency SNAP allotment ending
People who use the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are advised their second monthly payment will end in March.
The state Department of Human Services announced Friday that due to the recent passage of the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, SNAP recipients no longer will receive the emergency allotment additional payment created during the coronavirus pandemic beginning in March.
The change will happen for all SNAP recipients, according to a news release from the department.
The emergency allotment provided a minimum of $95 additional SNAP benefits.
Val Arkoosh, acting human services secretary, urged all Pennsylvanians to donate food or resources to their local food bank as food-insecure families potentially face additional need.
The news release added that the 8.7% increase in Social Security Income will cause 249,000 households to see a decrease in SNAP benefits because SNAP eligibility thresholds did not increase as well.
Also, human services officials predict that the Social Security increase will make 5,000 to 20,000 households ineligible for SNAP benefits.
The federal changes primarily will affect older residents and seniors, the news release said.
The department recommends pregnant women and parents with children check into food benefits from Women, Infants and Children at pawic.com.
Food-insecure residents can visit feedingpa.org for a list of local food banks or food assistance programs.
SNAP eligible seniors can apply for farmstand vouchers by searching “Senior Food Box Program” at agriculture.pa.gov.
Those with immediate food insecurity issues can call 211 or visit pa211.org.
Information on other food sources is available at dhs.pa.gov/ending-hunger or agriculture.pa.gov/Food_Security.