Drumming in circles
On Wednesday, Lena Southworth went directly from her day job to the Slippery Rock University Center for Community Engagement, Empowerment and Development, where she could participate in a group health and wellness session.
Instead of talking her feelings out with the group, Southworth instead thumped out her emotions on a drum, alongside a few other people at the session.
HealthRHYTHMS is a program developed by Barry Bittman, a neurologist from Meadville, and brought to Butler by Jennifer Willford, a professor in the Department of Psychology at SRU. HealthRHYTHMS is a method to promote health and wellness to help health care workers and people with mental-health issues express themselves in a uncommon way.
The drum circle is meant to make expression easier, because putting feelings into words is hard, but anyone can bang a drum. It was developed by .