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Speaker explains the science behind addiction

BUTLER TWP — When speaking with people going through addiction, Steve Treu often will start by discussing Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity with them.

He said talking to them about physics first is better than starting with their personal situation, which could be demoralizing.

Additionally, the equation acts as a good metaphor for recovery and a person’s journey to finding happiness.

“If you look under a microscope close enough, we are not physical bodies, we are energy bodies,” Treu said. “It’s very relevant if you’re working with a person with dramatic grief because a loved one died in a traumatic way to help them understand that there are literally different dimensions to space and time.

“Spiritually speaking, we are these closed-loop vibrations.”

Treu is presenting lessons about neuroscience at Butler County Community College for a series aimed at people who work with those going through recovery. On Tuesday he led the second lesson in his Hope is Dope professional series, where he discussed understanding science can help people understand themselves and get through recovery.

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