Boyers, in Marion Township, has 24 homes that utilize the Boyers Water and Sewage Company's treatment plant. Butler Eagle File Photo
MARION TWP — All preconstruction and engineering requirements have been met for the township’s $4.2 million sewer project to begin in late May.
Dave Neill, project manager at EADS Group in Clarion, informed township supervisors at their Monday, April 10, meeting that there are three aspects to the project, which will benefit more than 111 homes.
He said work on the sewage treatment plant will begin mid-to late May, and work on the collection lines and grinder pumps will follow in June. Any electrical work will be coordinated and integrated with the other work as it progresses.
Authorizations to proceed have been issued to Mortimer’s Excavating of Lawrence County, Bison Construction of Clarion County and Right Electric of Butler, Neill said.
Funding for the project comes from a 2020 Community Development Block Grant. County commissioners awarded contracts to county and regional contractors Jan. 18 to replace the antiquated sewer system.
Jason McBride, supervisors chairman, said several residences outside the original inclusion scope of the project will be added.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
The next township meeting is scheduled for May 15.
At its Monday, April 10 meeting, Marion Township supervisors:
— Renewed a contract with the police department effective until the spring of 2025
— Announced the Tri-County spring bulk pickup date is May 8. Residents should place items curbside the evening of May 7, as pickup is early morning.
— Approved sending the secretary, treasurer and auditor to the Butler County Association of Township Officials Spring Convention at Butler County Country Club in May.
— Renewed the township’s commercial insurance policy. The cost for the policy increased from $14,019 in 2022 to $17,670 reflecting a number of claims related to fire incidents.