Scialabba appointed to Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness
State Rep. Stephenie Scialabba, R-12th, announced Tuesday, May 2, that she has been appointed to serve as Republican secretary for the state House Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee.
“I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve the people who give so much to the rest of us,” Scialabba said. “I thank Chairman (Mark M.) Gillen for naming me to this role, and I look forward to working with him and my colleagues on how we can best serve those who go above and beyond for us.”
The committee oversees issues concerning fire, emergency and EMS services, as well as military and veterans’ concerns. The committee has oversight of various state military and emergency organizations, including the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the Office of State Fire Commissioner, the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
In addition to her new role on the committee, Scialabba also serves on the state’s House Education Committee as well as the Housing and Community Development Committee.