Costumed animals bring cheers, laughs at fair
Clint Cehily wins first place in the Horse category in the annual Costume class at the Big Butler Fair on Wednesday, July 5. Justin Guido/Butler Eagle
FRANKLIN TWP — Two adorable officers took several furry inmates into custody, then paraded them around Roper’s Ring to a cheering crowd at the Big Butler Fair.
“She was arrested for kidnapping five babies from strangers,” said “officer” Andi Foertsch, who was dressed in full SWAT gear for the occasion.
This was not a case of rough justice. Andi, 9, and her sister Kinzi, 7, of Saxonburg, were part of the animal costume contest on Wednesday, July 5, at the fair. Dressed as police officers with their six costumed rabbits playing inmates, the sisters were able to take home the blue ribbon during this year’s animal costume contest.