Passavant residents take art seriously while having fun
Lorma Hill draws an image of her grandmother at an art class at Passavant Community on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, in Zelienople. The class represents a collaboration between Lutheran SeniorLife and the state Council of the Arts’ ArtsPath program and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Shane Potter/Butler Eagle
ZELIENOPLE — Lorma Hill and her late husband, Geoff, moved from Butler to Passavant Community 11 years ago, but don’t expect to see her staring out the window from a rocking chair.
“I never had a drawing class until I was 83 years old,” Hill said.
Hill and several of her peers used colored pencils, erasable crayon and other media on Wednesday to create drawings in their sketchbooks under the friendly, yet masterful tutelage of Marcy Bogdanich.