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Butler high school student remembered as always smiling

Aiden Lutz and longtime friend Gavin Gardner
Aiden Lutz, left, is pictured with longtime friend Gavin Gardner, who said the two had known each other since fifth grade. Aiden was hit by a car while riding his bicycle Thursday, Oct. 19, on Dutchtown Road in Butler Township. Aiden, a sophomore at Butler Senior High School, died four days later. Submitted Photo

From the time they met on the soccer field in fifth grade, Gavin Gardner and Aiden Lutz were fast friends.

The two remained friends throughout middle school and high school, playing soccer, running track and riding bikes together, until Aiden was hit by a car while riding his bicycle Thursday, Oct. 19, on Dutchtown Road in Butler Township. Aiden, a sophomore at Butler Senior High School, died four days later on Sunday.

“We would go to friends houses, play football. He loved riding bikes,” Gavin said Tuesday. “He was always in a good mood. Just his smile, his laugh, it was very infectious.”

Aiden Lutz
Aiden Lutz

Aiden, 15, was riding his electric bike down Dutchtown Road near the intersection of Sugar Creek Drive around 3:30 p.m. Thursday when a white sedan traveling at a high rate of speed struck the bike from behind and sent Aiden flying, a witness said.

Aiden was taken by LifeFlight to Allegheny General Hospital, but died Sunday from his injuries. He is the son of Tara Lutz, a teacher at Northwest Elementary School, and Benjamin Lutz, who shared the news of his son’s death in an update posted to a GoFundMe account for the teen’s family.

“For the three days, we have begged and prayed for a miracle. I think the true miracle is that we were blessed with 15 years with this amazing young man,” Benjamin said. “He made us parents, taught us how to love fiercely, how to enjoy life, and he always made us laugh. Our lives will never be the same without his infectious smile, his passion or his love.”

According to his obituary, the teen had recently started studying in the automotive technology department at the Butler County Area Vocational-Technical School.

Aiden was a member of Butler high school's cross-country team and the track and field team. He also played recreational soccer in Butler and was a Boy Scout in Troop 6 of the Moraine Trails Council, the obituary said.

Rick Davanzati, cross-country coach at Butler Senior High School, said Aiden always enjoyed coming to practice and had a good attitude.

“He was a great kid. Whenever you would see him, he always had a smile on his face,” Davanzati said. “He loved life. It's a shame that it was taken so tragically.”

A Facebook post by Troop 6 said Aiden earned 45 merit badges and the rank of Star Scout, and he was already coming up with ideas for his Eagle Scout project.

“Aiden was a beloved friend who had boundless energy. He lived every aspect of the Scout Law,” the post said. “He kept things fun and was a powerhouse in the Gaga Pit. Aiden was all these things, and our Troop was made better by his presence. He will be truly missed.”

Jen Griffith’s son, Drew Griffith, is a senior at Butler high school, who is also on the cross-country team. Griffith said the team plans to wear shirts made to honor Aiden on Thursday, Oct. 26, at WPIALS, during every opportunity they can.

“They will be able to wear those during the awards … while they are doing their warmups,” Griffith said.

Lindsay Gardner also said members of the team and other people who knew Aiden plan to wear certain shirts at the Butler YMCA’s Turkey Trot on Nov. 4. The design is a yellow shirt, Aiden’s favorite color, with Aiden’s favorite bicycle on it, a 1971 Scwhinn, reading “I run in memory of Aiden Lutz.”

Gavin said Aiden’s love for bikes came from an introduction at a young age. He appreciated old bicycles and enjoyed being outside and doing physical activity in general.

Gavin said he is touched by the number of people who plan to run the Turkey Trot wearing shirts honoring Aiden.

“It was going to be our cross-country friends; it turned out to be a whole bunch of people who knew him,” he said. “I just think that's amazing that an entire community is doing that to remember Aiden.”

A letter from Butler Area School District superintendent Brian White said the district would have support available for students and staff members who are in need of grief support following Aiden’s death. The letter also listed the phone number for the Center for Community Resources Crisis Line, which is 800-292-3866.

According to the letter, Aiden was an organ donor.

A GoFundMe account for Aiden’s family, organized by Jennifer Montag, has raised $39,450, as of Tuesday evening.

“We cannot imagine the financial stress the family is enduring at this time. Many people have expressed a desire to reach out and help the family. In addition to your prayers, any financial support you are willing and able to provide would be appreciated,” a post to the fundraiser page said.

Find the GoFundMe at

Friends and family of Lutz will gather from 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Young Funeral Home, 127 W. Jefferson St., Butler. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3832 Gibsonia Road, Gibsonia.

Although Aiden’s life ended tragically, Gavin said he will remember his friend as a person who could always bring a smile to his face.

“He was just great to be around,” he said.

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