Veterans honored by students, teachers at HIS Kids Christian School
JEFFERSON TWP — Hearing the entire student body at HIS Kids Christian School belt out “God Bless the USA” on Tuesday, Nov. 7, visibly stirred the hearts of the 17 veterans who attended the school’s seventh annual Veterans Appreciation Day.
Debora Dawson, of Jefferson Township, served as a payroll clerk in the Army Reserves from 1974 to 1978. She also is the retired principal of the school, which educates 105 students in kindergarten through grade 5.
“To hear the kids singing that song and knowing the teachers taught them about veterans...” said Dawson, who was overcome with emotion at the song and how well the students performed it. “I hope they never forget the sacrifice people make when they sign on the dotted line.”
Dawson’s grandson, Jeremy Dawson, who is a Knoch High School senior, has committed to the Marine Corps after graduation, which fills her with pride and more than a little concern.
“It was bittersweet being here today,” she said.
Her husband, Perry Dawson, served in the Army Reserves from 1972 to 1978.
“The teachers here are trying to help the kids understand how important it is for them to love and appreciate what military people do for them,” he said.
In addition to the inspiring musical number, the veterans were treated to pizza from Novotny’s Pizza in Saxonburg and several tempting desserts.
The program for the event kicked off with a prayer by Carol Novy, principal, that asked for healing and honor for all veterans and their families.
Teacher Josh Mion then asked members of each branch of the Armed Forces to stand when called, and those representing each branch received a hearty round of applause.
First-grader Nyomin Dimit then led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Jen Dimit, a fifth-grade teacher, described the meaning behind every facet of the small POW/MIA table, where an empty place setting represented deployed members of the military who are or were prisoners of war or missing in action.
“We will never forget them, these brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country,” Dimit said.
The young students left the stage after singing, which ended with a deafening and heartfelt rendition of the last line of Lee Greenwood’s patriotic song.
The students gave handmade thank-you cards to the veterans, who smiled and chatted with the students, before Novy offered a closing prayer and teacher Sherry Smith ended the program with an original poem titled “American Vet.”
The veterans, students and teachers then tucked into their lunches.
Robin’s Home, the residential house for female veterans in Butler, was represented for the first time this year at the Veterans Appreciation Day at the school.
Cheryl Warner, service coordinator at Robin’s Home, called the Veterans Appreciation Day an “absolutely wonderful and much needed program.”
Warner was a resident at Robin’s Home, then worked her way up to her current position, which involves connecting at-risk female veterans with the services and the hand-up they need.
“I help the new ladies coming in do what I did, which is get on their feet,” she said.
Warner said the female veterans who attended Tuesday need uplifting programs like the one at HIS Kids Christian School.
“I think this is something Robin’s Home will definitely be involved in in future years,” she said.
Warner particularly enjoyed the rendition of “God Bless the USA” performed by the children, who also waved American flags and raised a red, white and blue ”U.S.A.“ aloft at the song’s crescendo.
“They were so adorable!” she said. “They memorized the whole song.”
Alyssa Simmons, a fifth-grader at HIS Kids, said honoring the local veterans was a special treat.
“It’s important because we support the veterans who saved this country and make this country great,” she said.
Watching the veterans seated in front of the stage as she sang alongside her classmates had an impact on Alyssa.
“It felt nice to see them smiling because they felt supported,” she said.
Kindergartner Grayson McKruit summed up the thoughts of everyone who attended Veterans Appreciation Day at HIS Kids Christian School on Tuesday.
“I love this school and the veterans,” he said.